Victòria Díez, a student of the Universitat, wins the individual 'raspall' against Mar Giménez, another student of the Universitat

  • Press Office
  • October 26th, 2021
Victòria Díez, Mar Giménez.
Victòria Díez, Mar Giménez.

Victòria Díez, a second year student of Biotechnology at the Universitat de València, has been proclaimed champion of the individual 'raspall', in a final disputed against the also student of the Universitat Mar Giménez, who is a third year student of Medicine. The final was played in Bellreguard this weekend.

The final was a repeat of the one held in Alcàsser two years ago, with the same players, but won by Mar Giménez.

In Bellreguard, won the 'reballà' by Victoria, the first game fell on the red side. Mar turned the coin by taking the game from the 'dau'. The points were getting longer and longer because Victoria's solidity was answered by Mar. At 10-5, the 'blue' player lifted a 'Val per quinze' against and established the tie again, this time at 10.

But Victoria always stands out on serve, and the next game was hers with some comfort. With Mar back to the 'dau' and fifteenth, two balls to the box and another that forced an ill-advised hit by Mar meant 20-10 and a clear path to the fourth title. The last game, with Victòria on serve, was resolved without complications by the four-time champion, who embraced her partner and friend of the club for four years before getting ready to win the fourth championship title and the more than 15 kilos of the 'Feninde', the Greek frieze reserved for the chosen ones and for the first chosen one.

Inscription for pilota at the Universitat

The Universitat de València offers activities and internal competitions of pilota for the academic year 2021-2022.

A good number of elite players of Valencian pilota are enrolled during this academic year at the UV. Victoria, Mar, Moltó, Salelles, among many others, will be part of the selection and will participate in the internal competitions. These competitions will have several categories for all levels, and will be open to all members of the university community who want to participate. Just for participating in the different competitions, you will be able to obtain 1 ECTS credit.

To participate you have to register for the 'Pelota Valenciana Internal Competition' at the following link:


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