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Scholarships awarded by the Spanish Agency of International Cooperation for Development (AECID), the management authority of the Spanish policy of international cooperation for development, as a public law entity under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation (MAEC).


AECID - On line


Published in the Electronic Office of the AECID, the Call for the MAEC-AECID Scholarship Programs, for the academic year 2019/2020, whose Program I.7 offers Master's scholarships to citizens of countries included in the bilateral strategies of the V Master Plan of the Spanish Cooperation.

The deadline for submitting applications is from March 28 to April 11.


La Finalidad de este Programa es ofrecer la oportunidad de cursar estudios de Máster en España, a funcionarios o personal integrado en los sistemas públicos, incluido el sistema educativo y universitario, que garanticen el mayor grado posible de impacto y retorno del conocimiento adquirido, de acuerdo con las siguientes modalidades:

  1. Becas para realizar másteres universitarios (oficiales) de 60 créditos ECTS como máximo, de carácter presencial, que estén inscritos en el Registro de Universidades, Centros y Títulos (RUCT) del Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte de España (https://www.educacion.gob.es/ruct/home), y que deberán concernir a alguna de las líneas de acción en las que se enmarcan las actuaciones de la Cooperación Española según el V Plan Director, de acuerdo con el Anexo XVII de la convocatoria: Metas y Líneas de Acción en las que se enmarcan las actuaciones de la Cooperación Española según el V Plan Director .

Destinadas a nacionales de: Bolivia, Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, El Salvador, Etiopía, Filipinas, Guatemala, Guinea Ecuatorial, Haití, Honduras, Mali, Marruecos, Mauritania, Mozambique, Nicaragua, Níger, Palestina, Paraguay, Perú, República Dominicana y Senegal.

Duración de la beca: hasta 10 meses, dentro del periodo 1 de septiembre de 2019 al 31 de julio de 2020, no prorrogable, ni renovable para otro curso académico.

  1. Becas para profesores filipinos de universidades o centros educativos públicos, para realizar un máster universitario o propio, de carácter presencial, de enseñanza del español como lengua extranjera.

Dotación económica para ambas modalidades:

  1. Ayuda mensual de 1.200 €.
  2. Ayuda de matrícula, incluidas las tasas administrativas, de hasta 5.000 €. El abono de la matrícula se realizará directamente al becario o a la universidad, previa presentación de la correspondiente factura.
  3. Ayuda de viaje de incorporación a sus estudios en España de acuerdo con la Base 7 de la Convocatoria y el Anexo I, Programa I.7.
  4. Seguro de asistencia en viaje y seguro de accidentes, de acuerdo con lo indicado en la Base 7 de la Convocatoria.


Becas y ayudas en materia de educación, formación e investigación



MAEC-AECID Scholarships and assistantsips

2015-2016 CALLS (BOE of 4 February 2015)
• Mobility scholarships for researchers
• Official Master’s Degrees Scholarships for foreign civil servants in Spanish
• Traineeships grants for the UN Security Council
• Scholarships for the Real Academia de España in Rome
• Scholarships for external cultural management interships
• Scholarships for the training Centres in Latin America
• Training collaboration scholarships in the Spanish Language Academies
• Scholarships for the College of Europe
• ART-EX scholarships for artistic projects abroad
• Music training scholarships of excellence
• Graphic design scholarships on the AECID
• Edition and publication scholarship on the AECID
• For the teaching of the Spanish language in foreign universities
Applications from February to March, according to the programme.
• Monthly financial envelopes among 600 and 2.200 euros, according to the programme and
the destination.
• Travel grants among 200 and 1.500 euros, according to the destination.
• Medical insurance.
• Length from 1 to 18 months with possibility of renovation in some




21 February 2014 resolution, by the Presidency of the Spanish Agency of International Cooperation for Development, by which the call of the MAEC-AECID scholarships of Culture and Education for the academic year 2014-2015 is passed.


Call of MAEC-AECID scholarships for cooperation to the development 2014/2015.

Unlike prior years, this year the traditional scholarship calls for Spanish citizens and for foreign citizens have been replaced by a call of cooperation for the development and by another one of culture and education. This way, the decisive criterion it is no longer the nationality, but the thematic areas. With this new organisation, the programmes are better defined, they are more visible and recognisable, and it is allowed for developing more specific projects both in the field of the cooperation for the development and of the culture and education.

The scholarships for Cooperation for the Development are addressed both to Spanish and foreign citizens. Their objective is to give a bigger systematicity to an ensemble of programmes oriented both to the expression of solidarity of the Spanish society with the population of the countries that receive aid from Official Development Assistance, and to the need that that society has of having experts trained in the duties proper to each donor country, in a context of growing sophistication of the cooperation policies. This year, the call contemplates four programmes.

Programme I.1. - Renovation of institutional scholarships for Doctoral studies. It is addressed to the people who already enjoyed a scholarship of the programme III.b of the prior call. The period to present the applications opens on 4 March and ends on 18 March 2014.

Programme I.2. - Scholarships for the master’s degree in Leadership and Public Management of the National Institute of Public Administration and the Menéndez Pelayo International University. They are addressed to public civil servants with the nationality of a country receiving Official Development Assistance. The period to present the applications opens on 4 March and finishes on 20 March 2014.

Programme I.3. - Scholarships for carrying out master’s degree studies at the EOI Business School. They are addressed to people native of the countries receiving Official Development Assistance to carry out studies on “Renewable energies”, Engineering and environmental management” and “Engineering and water management”. The period to present the applications opens on 4 March and finishes on 20 March 2014.

Programme I.4. - Scholarships of postgraduate studies for research and cooperation for the development projects. Without any doubt this is the call newest programme. With it, it attempts to recover university and scientific cooperation for the realization of research projects in development cooperation issues, it also finances researchers enrolled in master and doctoral studies within the framework of a research project between Spanish universities and some of the associated countries of the VI Director Plan of the Spanish Cooperation. The period to present the applications opens on 4 March and finishes on 9 April 2014.

At the AECID electronic site will be available throughout the morning the official call, which can be consulted in the Official Gazette of the Government of Spain. It is recommended a  careful reading of the call.


12 February 2014 resolution by the Presidency of the Spanish Agency of International Cooperation for Development, by which the call of MAEC-AECID assistantships in foreign universities for the academic year 2014/2015 is called.

Application form deadlines:

Vacant or new assistantships: From 3 to 17 March.
Renovation assistantships starting between the months of June and October 2014: From 3 to 12 March.
Assistantships renovation starting on January 2015: From 3 to 10 June 2014


19 March 2013 resolution by the Presidency of the Spanish Agency of International Cooperation for Development, by which the call of the MAEC-AECID scholarship programmes for Spanish citizens and citizens of the European Union resident in Spain for the academic year 2013-2014 is called.

Deadline: until 5 April 2013.

20 March 2013 resolution, by the Presidency of the Spanish Agency of International Cooperation for Development, by which the call of the MAEC-AECID scholarship programmes for foreign citizens, for the academic year 2013-2014.

Deadline:  2nd to 16th April 2013

21 March 2013 resolution by the Presidency of the Spanish Agency of International Cooperation for Development, by which the call of the MAEC-AECID scholarship programmes for Spanish artists and researchers of the European Union resident in Spain and Ibero-American people, for stays in the Academia de España in Rome, in collaboration with the Rafael del Pino Foundation, for the academic year 2013-2014.

Deadline:  16th to 30th april 2013

18 February 2013 resolution by the Presidency of the Spanish Agency of International Cooperation for Development, by which the call of MAEC-AECID assistantships in foreign universities for the academic year 2013/2014 is called.






New or vacant assistantship



Assistantship renovation



Assistantship renovation starting on January 2014

