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In its first edition, the Universitat de València announces the 1st Final Degree Award, Final Master's Thesis and Doctoral Theses of the people axis of the Sustainable Development Goals to promote research related to development cooperation.

The award will recognize those Final Degree Projects (TFG), Final Master's Projects (TFM) and doctoral theses that show a high degree of impact on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the people axis (SDGs 1,2, 3,4 and 5), without excluding the rest, thus contributing to the development of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Call for the 1st TFG, TFM and Doctoral Thesis Award 

Publication in DOGV



Deadline for applications is from 29 july to 11 September 2020.
Applications will be presented by General Instance: https://webges.uv.es/uvEntreuWeb/menu.jsp?idtramite=EXPSOLP2U
In the "General" tab the data to be completed are:
  • Unit Type: University Services and Central Services
  • Body to which it is addressed: International Relations and Cooperation Services
  • Desired Processing: TFG / TFM / Thesis Awards
In the "Attached files" tab, Annex II, Annex III and the work presented will be attached.

Annex II- Application form

Annex III- Tutor letter

V Jornada de la Cooperación Universitaria al Desarrollo: “Cooperación i Agenda 2030: ideatón para la consecución de los ODS en la Universitat”

November 13, 2019, 9:30 p.m., Hall of Rector's Acts

Conference organized by the University of Valencia and subsidized jointly with the Department of Transparency, Social Responsibility, Participation and Cooperation of the Generalitat Valenciana.


The entrance is free but limited to the capacity of the hall. You can sign up sending mail to coop@uv.es for the attendance certificate.


II edition of the contest "Communication Campaign of Sustainable Development Goals"

The second edition of the contest has increased to 5,000 euros in prizes to design a children's game. The participants will be classified into two categories: A) game design using new technologies and B) using non-digital media. The contest is aimed at students, PDI and PAS UV, and can be presented individually or in a group. Eradicating poverty, protecting the planet, ensuring prosperity for all are part of the goals set by the UN by 2030. Do you have an idea of ​​how to teach and implement a game for children? Take action and carry out your project!


» Publication DOGV.

» The deadline for submitting applications begins on April 18th and ends on October 1, 2019.

» More information

» Application form

Award prizes

A protocolary ceremony will be held to deliver the prizes of the II “Campaign of Communication of the SDGs” on November 13, 2019 at the Assembly Hall of Rectorate.


III Winter University 

Towards social change: habitat and energy transitions

This year the five Valencian universities and the GVA come together to propose a central theme within the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). The days will be on 18, 19 and 20 February 2019 at the Polytechnic University of Valencia. Specifically, objectives 13 and 11 "Climate change and energy transition" and "Territorial model and social change. The inscriptions are open.

Applicatitions and program

The event has a large program in which personalities from academia and research will participate, as well as community-level managers. Through dialogues, presentations, round tables, workshops and activities, reflection will be made on the need to advance in the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations.


II Fòrum de la Solidaritat i el Voluntariat

On February 22, 2019, more than 30 associations will participate in the II Forum of Solidarity and Volunteering organized by the Faculty of Economics of the Universitat de València. Issues like spirit of improvement through sports and culture, international cooperation, economy, social exclusion, poverty and inequality, among others. Each association will have a stand in the hall of the faculty to offer information about the projects. Free admission.

» Program


Course: Sustainable Development Goals and their implementation in the university

We invite you to take the course: Sustainable Development Goals and their implementation in the university field from January 14 to 17, 2019. The course is organized by the "Unitat de Cooperació of the Universitat de València" and is accredited by the "Servei de Formació Permanent". The course is free and places are limited.


Create your goals: YOU are part of the chain towards sustainability

On November 26, 2018 will be held the exhibition "Create your goals" in the esplanade of the Faculty of Fiolosofia i Ciencies de L'Educació in which a workshop for the realization of the graphic work and obtaining a sculptural work will be developed .
The project has as one of its main objectives, the participation of the university community and the collaboration and interaction open to any public, with the idea of ​​expansion through graphics and that serves for the dissemination and transmission of the 17 messages of the ODS to the society.
The aim is for the participants to interact with each other, choosing the pictograms and messages that best suit their ideas, forming chains of exhibition events in different out-door spaces.
The 17 basic elements of each of the objectives will be designed, which will serve as a base-structure and offer ideas to the participants to increase and add other visual elements: society grows and our sustainable structure grows.

"One world, 17 challenges", the path towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)

From November 26 to December 7 in the Hall of the Facultat de Filosofia i Ciencies de L’Educació , the exhibition "One World, 17 Challenges" of the Vicente Ferrer Foundation will take place.

On November 26 at 10.30 am, in the Aula Magna of the Facultat de Filosofia i Ciencies de L'Educació, the inaugural conference "The SDGs in rural India through the Vicente Ferrer Foundation" will be held by Sergio Moratón,delegate of the Vicente Ferrer Foundation Delegation in the Valencian Community and Region of Murcia.

A trip to India will be made to see the projects with the Vicente Ferrer Foundation.


Resolution: I Contest for the Communication Campaign on SDGs

Check out the people or teams awarded at the I Contest for the Communication Campaign on SDG'S


0,7 Program

The objective of the 0,7 Program is to support and encourage the participation of the university community in university cooperation activities for development. It also wants to comply with the UN 2030 Agenda that contains 17 new objectives for sustainable development (the SDGs) and 169 goals that seek: eradicate extreme poverty and hunger, universalize quality education, complete the transition to clean energies, reduce inequality or end the gender gap, among others. To this end, the budget is allocated to projects (research), to people (through scholarships from people in developing countries) and to awareness-raising actions. In the registration mark: YES

Conference: Agendas Edusionadas

The Vicerectorat d’ Ocupació i Prorgames Foratius and the Vicerectorat d’Internacionalització i Cooperació de la Universitat de Valencia with the Conselleria de Transparència, Responsabilitat Social, Participació i Cooperació of the Generalitat Valenciana, organize the conference: Agendas Edusionadas.

The event will be held on Friday, June 29 at Aula Magna of the Facultat de Filosofia i ciències de l’Educació from 9:30h.



I Contest for the Communication Campaign on SDGs

The UV, together with the UPV, UJI, UA and UMH, launch a contest to disseminate and promote awareness of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). The contest, funded by the Generalitat Valenciana, contains 4,950 euros in prizes. Term: until September 5, 2018.

                                             Bases of the call

UNIVERSIDAD DE INVIERNO: "Partnerships and Sustainable Development Goals":

Dates: 7.8 and 9 February 2018

Event: Workshops to reflect and publicize the seventeenth of the Sustainable Development Goals; "Alliances", approved by the United Nations in its agenda for 2030, last September 2015.

Place: Headquarters City of Alicante. C / San Fernando 40. University of Alicante. Alicante

Subsidizes: Dirección General de Cooperación y Solidaridad. Generalitat Valenciana.






Registration from January 15 to 31 or until the capacity is completed.

– Students from the 5 organizing universities, representatives of NGOs, Associations of friends and former students of the 5 organizing universities: € 10.

– Persons in unemployment situation: € 10.

– Personnel of public administrations: € 20.

– General public: € 25.

The registration of the students, Administration Staff and Teaching Staff of the Universities of Valencia, Valencia Polytechnic and Jaume I of Castellón, may include, in addition to registration, travel and accommodation, during the conference "(The cooperation offices of the respective universities will inform of the specific conditions in this regard)

How to sign up: Complete the registration through the following link:




The present cycle of conferences aims at facilitating meeting spaces where we can address the different dimensions of communication for development (C4D), the implications in our environment and the actions that different social actors can undertake to advance its implementation practice.

For the United Nations the C4P is understood as a horizontal and inclusive process, which empowers people and contributes to the debate and social participation as a crucial part in the processes of defining development policies, becoming one of the most important means for expanding the opportunities of people and therefore, to advance in development.

This conception of the C4D shares similar objectives to other conceptualizations such as "communication for social change", "communication for social transformation" or "education for development" focusing on the dissemination of values ​​and information that allow us to relate in a more coherent way with the world and to form a world citizenship committed to the human development.

In our country the term is increasingly used and although there is progress in conceptualization and also in its practical incorporation, there is still a wide field of debate, reflection and encounter. Thus we have an intense work ahead in which the media, communication professionals, public administrations, civil society and universities must make efforts, in coherence with the concept of development that we pursue, to advance in the incorporation of communication for the Development in our respective areas of work.

Venue: Faculty of Philology, Translation and Communication of the Universitat de València.

Dates: Thursdays 4, 11, 18, 25 May and 1 June 2017 (5 days).


Inscriptions: please send this form al mail a: becascoop@uv.es

Totally free activity.
Certificate of attendance will be issued.

From the conferences and of the dialogues that will keep in each session will elaborate of participatory shape, with groups of work integrated by several sectors and social agents, a document of conclusions and recommendations in order to can advance collectively in the incorporation of the “communication for the development” to the media, the social movements, the public administrations; the local and autonomic governments and the university space.



Del 29 de noviembre al 1 de diciembre de 2016


La Universitat de València convoca a toda la comunidad universitaria a debatir y reflexionar sobre el desarrollo humano sostenible y la cooperación.

Lo hace en un momento especialmente comprometido. Hace un año Naciones Unidas aprobó la Agenda 2030 para el Desarrollo Sostenible que implica a personas e instituciones para optar por un modelo de desarrollo humano conducente a la reducción de las desigualdades, al sostenimiento del entorno y a ampliar las libertades de las personas desde la justicia y la paz.



Para inscribirse es necesario remitir un correo a la siguiente dirección: cooperacio@gva.es con el nombre, dni e institución o entidad que representa.
El plazo para inscribirse termina el mismo día 25 a las 12'00 horas.




La dirección general de Cooperación y Solidaridad, en colaboración con el Ayuntamiento de Castelló de la Plana, ha organizado, el próximo 1 de diciembre, una Jornada sobre Mujer, Derechos Humanos y Desarrollo Sostenible en Igualdad , como espacio de encuentro en el que compartir y debatir sobre el proceso global de los ODS, la Agenda 2030 y la transversalidad del enfoque de género y derechos humanos, así como intercambiar reflexiones y estrategias de incidencia política sobre las causas estructurales de las desigualdades de género y su abordaje a nivel público.

LUGAR: Edificio “Quatre Cantons”. Salón de actos. Carrer d'Enmig, 82. Primer piso. Castelló de la Plana.

DÍA: 1 de diciembre de 2016.

HORA: Inauguración a las 10:00 h. Clausura a las 14:00 h.





UNIVERSIDAD DE OTOÑO: “Los objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible”.

Fechas: 9,10 y 11 de noviembre de 2016.

Evento: Jornadas de aproximación a los 17 Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible aprobados por las Naciones Unidas, en su agenda para el 2030, en septiembre de 2015.

Lugar: Colegio Mayor Rector Peset de la Universitat de València. Plaza del Forn de Sant Nicolau 4. Valencia.

Subvenciona: Dirección General de Cooperación y Solidaridad. Generalitat Valenciana.




Matrícula reducida prorrogada hasta el 3 de noviembre (primer plazo):

  • Estudiantes Xarxa Vives d'Universitats, representantes de ongds, Asociaciones de Antiguos Alumnos de las 5 universidades organizadoras, personas en paro:  10€ primer plazo, 25€ segundo plazo.
  • Personal de administraciones públicas: 20 € primer plazo, 35€ segundo plazo.
  • Público en general: 25€ primer plazo, 40€ segundo plazo.

Cómo apuntarse:

  1. Cumplimentar la inscripción a través del siguiente enlace: https://goo.gl/bXyyMA


VII Congreso Universidad y Cooperación al Desarrollo

“La Universidad y los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible”

UAM, 29-31 de marzo de 2017

La universidad española ha iniciado un proceso de reflexión estratégica sobre la integración de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) en la Universidad. Algo que implica abordar estos objetivos de forma transversal en las políticas universitarias e integrar la Agenda 2030 en los distintos ámbitos de acción de la universidad: la formación, la investigación y la extensión universitaria.

Los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible constituyen la primera respuesta real y global a los desafíos del desarrollo en un mundo en constante cambio. La Agenda 2030 ha sido construida con la intención de ser universal y global, desde la base del diálogo y la participación de todos los agentes implicados.

Para la universidad la Agenda 2030 supone un punto de inflexión que abre un nuevo espacio para redibujar no sólo la Cooperación Universitaria al Desarrollo sino muchas de sus políticas universitarias. Para ello las universidades deben reflexionar de manera colectiva sobre qué implicaciones tienen los ODS dentro de sus estructuras y actividades.

El VII Congreso Universidad y Cooperación al Desarrollo parte de la experiencia en cooperación universitaria al desarrollo acumulada por las universidades con un enfoque -en esta ocasión- que le permita abordar los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible. Con el objetivo de poner en valor los aprendizajes del pasado y afrontando el reto a futuro que supone la integración de la Agenda 2030 en la Universidad, el Congreso queda estructurado en las siguientes líneas temáticas:

  • LT1 La contribución de la investigación universitaria a los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible
  • LT2 La integración en la formación y docencia universitarias de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible
  • LT3 La contribución de la Universidad para la creación de una ciudadanía global en torno a los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible
  • LT4 La integración de la Agenda 2030 en las estrategias y políticas universitarias
  • LT5 Iniciativas de cooperación universitaria para el desarrollo sostenible

Participación en el Congreso.

Para participar como asistente al Congreso es necesaria la inscripción (consulte tarifas y calendario aquí).

Para la presentación de abstracts, comunicaciones y/o pósteres al Congreso se usará la plataforma on-line “EASY CHAIR. (Puede consultarse los tutoriales para darse de alta y para las gestiones a través de la plataforma pinchando aquí).

*Los abstract (tanto orientados a comunicación como a póster) serán evaluados por el comité científico.  

*La inclusión de pósteres y/o comunicaciones tanto en el  programa  como en las actas del  del Congreso estará supeditada a la correcta inscripción al Congreso de al menos una de las personas autoras.



Speeches, instruments and university policies around the Agenda 2030

OCUD the Fourth Conference will be held at the University of Valencia on 15 and 16 September 2016 in which continue to advance the integration of Agenda 2030 in the Spanish university. These seminars are threefold

Visualize and reflect on models of integration and / or mainstreaming in university teaching, research and extension universitariade commitments to sustainable development and Agenda 2030.

Reflecting on linking with other university CUD Social Commitment policies regarding the integration of ODS; sustainability, equality, disability and others.

Identify challenges and difficulties in addressing the incorporation of Agenda 2030 in defining strategies Cudy university management.

To do this, we have organized these IV Conference OCUD around three main blocks: the speech, the instruments and policies.

SPEECH being the narrative, the skeleton must be based on this new approach to college; a realistic, documented and committed to humanity and the planet narrative.

Being INSTRUMENTS how to realize the ideas, the organs to give life to that skeleton: mainstreaming content, accreditations, recognitions, collaborative spaces, among others.

And finally articulated the policies and set the pace of university activity as a key player in achieving the Agenda 2030.

Planet, people, prosperity, peace and alliances: 5 transversely central axis on which turns the Agenda 2030 will be incorporated.



"Conoce el mundo sahraui a través del cine"

La Federación de Asociaciones de Solidaridad con el Pueblo Saharaui del País Valencià (FASPS - PV), de la mano de la Universidad de Valencia, con el ciclo de cine "Conoce el mundo saharaui a través del cine " , quiere acercar a la sociedad valenciana la realidad del PUEBLO SAHARAUI , que lleva soportando 40 años la ocupación de su país, el Sahara Occidental , y que tiene gran parte de su población en el exilio.

Mediante el cine podemos transmitir la cultura , la historia de un pueblo que lucha día a día por su libertad. Hay muchos documentales y proyecciones que tratan la situación del pueblo saharaui. De todos ellos hemos hecho la selección de tres documentales que consideramos que reflejan desde distintos puntos de vista, la realidad de El Pueblo Saharaui

Días 7, 14 y 21 de julio 2016, de 18:30 a 21:00 h., en el Colegio Mayor Rector Peset.






I Jornada "La Universidad de Tifariti y las universidades públicas valencianas", 23 de febrero 2016, 11:00 horas, Sala de Actos de Rectorado. Inauguración de la jornada por el rector de la Universidad de Valencia, y participación del rector de la Universidad de Tifariti.



Campaña Sahara

Desde el Vicerrectorado de Internacionalización y Cooperación hemos emprendido una campaña de recogida de alimentos y enseres para el Sáhara. El Sáhara Occidental sufrió lluvias torrenciales el pasado mes de octubre que provocaron grandes inundaciones en los campamentos de refugiados de Tinduf, causando la pérdida de hogares y alimentos a más de 90.000 personas.



I Week of University Development Cooperation at the University of Valencia

15 - 21 desembre 2014




The University of Granada, through its Centre of Initiatives for Development Cooperation (CICODE) will host the next 6 and 7 November the Third Conference of the Centre for University Development Cooperation, this year focused on the role of universities in the Development Agenda After 2015.

About to reach the year 2015 and thus about to launch the new global development agenda, it is important that universities assume our role as generators of knowledge and dissemination of the new principles that will set the tone of actions in the coming years. In this regard, it is noteworthy that universities are already taking part in the participatory process through the Working Group on Post Agenda 2015 of the Cooperation Council, initiated by the United Nations and by the Spanish Government to determine the priorities for global development.


Encuentro Universidad y actores del sistema internacional de ayuda al desarrollo

22 y 23 de Mayo - Universitat Politècnica de València. Campus de Vera - Salón de Actos de Rectorado - Edificio 3.

 El Encuentro pretende fortalecer la colaboración entre universidades y el resto de actores, la mejora de la cooperación universitaria al desarrollo y, en consecuencia, el aumento de la calidad y la eficacia del sistema internacional de la ayuda.

Los contenidos del evento están destinados a los integrantes de dicho sistema (Organismos Internacionales, ONGD, servicios de cooperación al desarrollo en universidades, etc.) y a toda la comunidad universitaria en general.

Conference of University Development Cooperation of the University of Valencia

November 26, 2013

Rectorate Hall

Universitat de València



Event open to the public

Dr. Federico Mayor Zaragoza, during the presentation of the program of the UNESCO Chair for the academic year 2013-2014, will give a lecture about the critical role of higher education and universities and their contribution to sustainable human development in the XXI century. 

 It will be on Thursday 16th may, 18:00 p.m.  in the Assembly Hall, Rectorado, Avda Blasco Ibañez 13, Valencia.



Call Chair for Unesco.

Projects Development Education and Awareness of the University of Valencia.

The UNESCO Chair in Development Studies from the University of Valencia summons the administrative and service staff, and faculty and researcher at the University of Valencia to submit projects and cooperative initiatives in the field of education for the development and awareness.

The aim is to support initiatives, activities and projects organized by members of the university community that promote training in sustainable human development in any discipline, and projects that promote awareness on development cooperation and the fight against poverty worldwide.

The selected projects will be carried out during the academic year 2013-2014.

Projects may be in the nature of courses, conferences, seminars, educational materials, exhibitions and campaigns formulated in accordance with the Spanish Cooperation and UNESCO.

The project deadline is 31 May 2013.Las call guidelines and project submission form can be found and downloaded at:

www.fundacio.es / convocatoriaunesco

Organizers: South-North Board. Cooperation of the University of Valencia

FGUV  UNESCO Chair in Development Studies University of Valencia

Department for International Relations and Cooperation of the University of Valencia.

Unesco Training courses and human development cooperation.

The UNESCO Chair in Development Studies at the University of Valencia organizes two professional training courses for PDI and PAS Technical University of Valencia.

These specialized courses are: "Health and Human Rights. European programs for development cooperation" of 20 hours, and the other course is on "Culture and education for development. European programs for development cooperation", 15 hours teaching.

All the courses will be every Friday morning from 09:00 to 14:00 from May 3 to June 14.

Registration will be on line via this link:

www.fguv.org / courses-cooperation

The deadline for registration for the first course ends on Monday April 29 and to fill the positions available.

Organizers: South-North Board. Cooperation of the University of Valencia FGUV

UNESCO Chair in Development Studies at the University of Valencia

Collaboration: permamente Training Service of the University of Valencia.


catedra.unesco @ uv.es

ximo.revert @ uv.es

VI University and Cooperation in Development Congress

The Polytechnic University of Valencia welcomes the VI Congress of University and Cooperation in Development on the 24th, 25th and 26th of April 2013. The Congress is organized by the Public Valencian Universities together with the Committee of International Relations and Cooperation (CUVRIC). In this sixth edition, the Universitat Politècnica de València will host the event.

Under the theme "Human Development and University" Congress has as its backbone the Human Development. It has been over 20 years since Amartya K. Sen, Mahbub ul Haq and other ideologues apuntasen development towards a people-centered development, defining it as a process of extending the real opportunities of individuals. The aim of the conference is to analyze the role of universities in promoting human development.

In recent years, Universities have become a recognized agent in the development cooperation system. Its own specificity produces a cooperation agent with great potential to expand the options of people to shape their own destiny. This conference is a meeting place and discussion of the work being undertaken by the Universities in promoting human development.

Inscripction            Program


Call International Scholarship Program UNESCO-L'ORÉAL for women in the field of life Sciences

The joint initiative of UNESCO and L'Oréal aims to promote the presence of women in the area of ​​Life Sciences. The scholarships are aimed at young scientists under 35 years, highlighted by their research.
The deadline for submission of individual applications is May 30, 2013 and takes place in the online platform www.fwis.fr.

 Fifth Edition of the Africa House Essay Awards this year entitled "Challenges and opportunities of urban development in Africa".

Africa House convenes for the fifth consecutive Africa House Essay Awards, which aims to recognize, encourage and disseminate original and unpublished trials that contribute to a better understanding of the African continent.

Diploma Giving Ceremony of Cooperation Grants 0'7 Commission Nau Sol.lidaritat of the University of Valencia

Images of the ceremony:   1    2    3    4    5    6    7

Held on March 25th, 2013, 13 pm, Assembly Hall, Rectorate, Av Blasco Ibanez 13, Valencia.

Diplomas credited to beneficiaries, during academic year 2012-2013, of the following Cooperaction Grants:

  • Maghreb Scholarships
  • Women and Development Grants
  • Arcadi Gotor Scholarships
  • Haiti Scholarships
  • Luisa Cardona Scholarships

 Seminar: The local descentralized cooperation: challenges at the crisis context

The event will take place next February 21 (Thursday) at the Palau Pineda de Valencia (Plaza del Carmen, 4), and the organization itself has enjoyed the cooperation of the Confederation of Funds for Cooperation and Solidarity, Local Desenvolupament Interuniversity Institute of the Universitat Jaume I of Castellón, Valencian Federation of Municipalities and Provinces, as well as collaborations with the University Menéndez y Pelayo, Spanish Coordinator of the NGO, and other networks and platforms.


Developtment cooperation in the Valencian local entities

 Presentation and opening conference:

Febrruary 20, 2013

Hall of Colegio Mayor Rector Peset of Universitat de València.


Cooperation Day IX in Universitat Ramon Llull

It will take place on Thursday February 28, 2013, from 9 14 pm in the Rectory of the URL (c. Claravall, 1-3. Barcelona), and this year will be dedicated to Brazil, a country that has recently won many headlines as one of the usual destinations of many Spanish citizens.

The Ninth Day is intended for IDPs, PAS and students and aims to know the reality of Brazil to strengthen strategic alliances and contribute to development. Please confirm attendance at the following  Registration Deadline: February 26, 2013.

 Conference of University Development Cooperation of the University of Valencia

Date:   October 23, 2012 from 9 to 18,30 p.m.
Place: Hall of Rectorat, University of Valencia



El Patronat Sud-Nord convoca la cuarta edición de los Premios Manuel Castillo sobre cooperación y paz

Con los Premios Manuel Castillo se pretende reconocer y difundir los resultados de más interés para la sociedad española sobre la cooperación internacional, la paz y su contribución al desarrollo humano y sostenible de los pueblos en el mundo. Por lo tanto, los trabajos presentados tendrán que ver directamente con la cooperación al desarrollo. Así, aportarán conocimientos que revelen capacidades o denuncien agresiones a los derechos humanos y al desarrollo humano y sostenible.

La convocatoria de 2012 cuenta con una modalidad más que premiará una Tesis Doctoral o Trabajo Fin de Máster, dando cabida así a la participación de estudiantes. Esta se suma a las dos existentes en las últimas ediciones: Monografía de Investigación y Reportaje Periodístico, publicados en cualquier disciplina del saber: Humanidades, Ciencias Sociales, Ciencias de la Salud y Ciencias.

 “1 Minuto/1 Derecho”

International contest of short films on human rights.

 I Workshop-University and Education for Development

Evaluación de programas de movilidad en cooperación universitaria para el desarrollo

From 29th to 31st October 2012 in Pamplona.
Place: Universidad Pública de Navarra

Organiza: Vicerrectorado de Relaciones Internacionales y Cooperación

Abierto el plazo de inscripción: On Line en: http://www1.unavarra.es/educacionparadesarrollo/inscripcion

Cuota:    15 € estudiantes, desempleados/as, socios/as de ONGDs, personal de la UPNA. 50 € resto de participantes.

Más información en: www1.unavarra.es/educacionparadesarrollo


11th annual UNESCO-Sharjah Prize for Arab culture

They reward the work of two personalities, groups of persons or institutions eminent Arab States or other countries, which have contributed significantly, for his performance in the artistic, intellectual or promotional, to develop, improve and disseminate Arab culture in order to promote intercultural dialogue and understanding.


 El III programa formativo para el fomento de la Profesionalización y Especialización de la Cooperación Valenciana se enmarca en el nuevo Plan Director de la Generalitat Valenciana 2011 y es fruto del esfuerzo continuado y la estrecha colaboración entre la Consellería de Justicia y Bienestar Social de la Generalitat Valenciana y las cinco Universidades públicas valencianas, coordinadas a través del Comité Universitario Valenciano de Relaciones Internacionales y Cooperación (CUVRIC) de 9 de noviembre 2011 al