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News: Professor Dr. Katia Puente-Palacios (Universidad de Brasilia - UnB)

Prof. dr. Katia Puente-Palacios (Universidad de Brasilia - UnB) will present a number of seminars during her visit at the University of Valencia.

Prof. dr. Katia Puente-Palacios (Universidad de Brasilia - UnB)

  • "Team Interventions "

Prof: Katia Puente-Palacios (Universidad de Brasilia - UnB)

Date: October, 2015

Cost: Free (Master WOP-P Students)

Katia Puente-Palacios
Universidad de Brasilia - UnB

She is a professor at University of Brasilia, with a Doctorate degree on team performance (2002). She has taken a doctoral internship at the University of Groningen (2001) and a post-doctoral internship at University of Valencia (2009). She recently obtained a research productivity fellowship for 2010-2013. Her main interest in research and teaching activities, at the undergraduate and graduate levels, is related to work group process, team performance, shared cognitions, all of them mostly analyzed using multilevel models, regression analysis and factor analysis. She also teaches organizational psychology. Her most recent publications are related to applications of multilevel modes in organizational contexts, predictors of team effectiveness and measurement of team phenomena.

PROPOSAL: Team Interventions


CV is available at: 

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