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Evolution of jets driven by relativistic radiation hydrodynamics as GRBs

  • 11 de setembre de 2017
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Conferències al DAA. Xarrada a càrrec del Dr. Francisco Rivera, de la Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo, Mèxic. Lloc: Seminari del Departament d'Astronomia i Astrofísica, 4a planta de l'Edifici d'Investigació, a Burjassot. Dia: dijous 14 de setembre de 2017. Hora: 12:00.




We carry out an analysis of three-dimensional numerical simulations of jets modeled with Relativistic Radiation Hydrodynamics (RRH), that evolve on two environments: i) a stratified surrounding medium and ii) 16TI progenitor model. We consider particular processes of interaction between the fluid and radiation, specifically, free-free, bound-free, bound-bound and electron scattering opacities. In this simulations, we assume initially, that the radiation field and matter are in local thermal equilibrium, which is broken immediately after initial time. We explore a variety of initial conditions, with different radiation energy densities and Lorentz factors of the beam, in particular, mildly and ultra-relativistic jets, together with hydrodynamical and radiation pressure dominated scenarios. Finally, we construct the luminosity Light Curves (LCs) associated with all these cases. The construction of LCs is natural in the model, because the radiation is fully coupled to the hydrodynamics equations during the evolution.


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