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Hartle's model within the general theory of perturbative matchings

  • 8 de juliol de 2014
Imatge conferència Borja Reina

Conferències al DAA. Xarrada a càrrec de l'investigador Borja Reina, de la Fac. de Ciencias y Tecnología de la EHU. Lloc: Seminari del Departament d'Astronomia i Astrofísica, 4a planta de l'Edifici d'Investigació, a Burjassot. Dia: dimecres 9 de juliol de 2014. Hora: 12:00.


Hartle's model describes slowly rotating relativistic stars in the context of GR and essentially consists of the perturbative matching of a perfect fluid interior with an asymptotically flat vacuum exterior, up to second order in a rotation parameter. In the first part of this talk I will present the tools needed to revisit this model from a consistent point of view and in the second one I will discuss the importance of the implicit assumptions made to construct the original model.

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