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IVICFA's Fridays 2015: ASTRONOMY

  • 22 de setembre de 2015
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This Friday, September 25, IVICFA organizes the Astronomy workshop, held at the 'Parque Cientifico', Universitat de Valencia.

From 9:15 to 18:00. The event is open to all.

This  Friday 25, September,


 IVICFA organizes the  Astronomy workshopheld at the 'Parque Cientifico', Universitat de Valencia.


 From  9:15 to 18:00.  The event is open to all. 



  Please REGISTER if you wish to attend.  Find full information on these IVICFA’s Fridays at :   http://ivicfa.uv.es


  Location MAP:


 To get to the venue, at Parque científico, access is through the entrance at  C/ Cated. José Beltran, the one close to IRTIC or, Instituto de Ciencia Molecular. View map:   https://www.google.es/maps/place/Universidad+de+Valencia:+Instituto+de+Ciencia+Molecular/@39.514249,-0.425379,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m2!3m1!1s0xd60450b66fd420d:0x1af8dac2e3b6fd04      


 Once inside, take the first stairs to the 1st floor where the 'Salon de actos' (Conference Room) is located.






  09:15   Welcome & Introduction by Jose Bernabéu Alberola


  09:30   Afterglows from Gamma-ray bursts and Tidal disruption events  35'  

                Petar Mimica (DAA)


  10:05   Diving deep in the Blandford-Znajek process  20' 

               Jens Mahlmann (University of Hannover)


  10:25   Numerical relativity simulations of thick accretion disks around tilted Kerr black holes  20' 

                Vassilios Mewes (DAA)


  10:45   Coffee break  30'


  11:15   Quasistationary solutions of self-gravitating scalar fields around black holes  20'  

                Nicolás Sanchís (DAA)


  11:35   Total-variation-based methods for gravitational wave denoising  20' 

                Alejandro Torres (DAA)


  11:55   The interplay between jets and galaxy evolution  35' 

                Manel Perucho (DAA, OAUV)


  12:30   Stellar studies at the highest precision  35'  

                Rebecca S. Azulay (DAA, OAUV)


  13:05   Lunch



  15:00   Ciencia desde el Observatorio de Aras de los Olmos  20' 

                Fernando Ballesteros (OAUV)


  15:20   A pure quasar catalogue from the ALHAMBRA survey  35' 

                Silvia Bonoli (CEFCA)


  15:55   A new way of exploiting shear correlation functions  35'  

                Raúl Angulo (CEFCA)


  16:30   Break 30'


  17:00   Evolution of clustering in the Alhambra survey  20' 

                Pablo Arnalte-Mur (DAA, OAUV)


  17:20   Hydrodynamical simulations of galaxy clusters: exploring the thermodynamics of the hot intra-cluster medium  35' 

                Susana Planelles (DAA)


  17:55   Concluding remarks  5'.  End of the Event. 



 CEFCA: Centro de Estudios de Física del Cosmos de Aragón;   DAA: Departament d’Astronomia i Astrofísica, Universitat de València;   OAUV:  Observatorio Astronómico de la Universitat de València

Llista d'enllaços:
