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Magnetar Magnetospheres

  • 16 de maig de 2017
Imatge conferència Alexei Mate

Conferències al DAA. Xarrada a càrrec d'Alexei Maté, de la Technische Universität München (Alemanya). Lloc: Seminari del Departament d'Astronomia i Astrofísica, 4a planta de l'Edifici d'Investigació, a Burjassot. Dia: dimarts 30 de maig de 2017. Hora: 12:00.



There is reason to believe that quasi-periodic oscillations observed during the decaying tail of giant bursts originate from magnetars. We investigate whether the Resonant

Cyclotron Scattering model of magnetars can explain the observed spectra. In order to answer this question a Monte Carlo radiation transport code (MCMaMa) was developed by M. Gabler and P. Cerdá-Durán.

The code works and was tested assuming a mildly relativistic momentum distribution of charge carriers.

However, the current model cannot reproduce the observed hard X-Ray part of the spectrum up to 80 keV and there is reason to believe that the charge carriers are in fact highly relativistic. The goal of our present work is to provide an extension of the existing code MCMaMa, that calculates the momentum distribution of the charge carriers. In order to obtain a more realistic model of the particle momenta, the momentum distribution and the radiation transport have to be calculated self consistently.

The more accurate description of the momentum distribution of the magnetospheric charges will provide a prediction of the hard tail component of the quiescent magnetar spectrum  that can be compared to observations.


Anunci del seminari

