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Magneto-elastic ray dynamics

  • 10 de desembre de 2015
Imatge conferència Michael Gabler

Conferències al DAA. Xarrada a càrrec de l'investigador Michael Gabler, del Max Planck Institute für Astrophysik, Garching (Alemanya). Lloc: Seminari del Departament d'Astronomia i Astrofísica, 4a planta de l'Edifici d'Investigació, a Burjassot. Dia: divendres 11 de desembre de 2015. Hora: 15:00.



The study of wave equations in the short wave-length approximation is applied in many fields of physics. It is used in acoustics, microwaves, seismology and most extensively in quantum mechanics. The most obvious application, which should still be familiar to all of us, is the use of geometrical optics. The main idea is to write down the equations governing the dynamics in a Hamiltonian form, if necessary, by applying approximations. Solution techniques to solve integrable but also non-integrable (i.e. chaotic) Hamiltonian systems have been widely used and are very powerful. We would like to apply this technique to study the magneto-elastic oscillations of magnetars. We have set up a first magnetar-toy model, which already presents the characteristic properties of the set up we have studied in hydrodynamical simulations.

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