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The EAGLE project: modelling galaxy formation and evolution

  • 14 de novembre de 2016
Imatge conferència Claudio Dalla Vecchia

Conferències al DAA. Xarrada a càrrec de l'investigador Claudio Dalla Vecchia, de l' Insituto de Astrofísica de Canarias, La Laguna (Tenerife). Lloc: Seminari del Departament d'Astronomia i Astrofísica, 4a planta de l'Edifici d'Investigació, a Burjassot. Dia: dijous 1 de desembre de 2016. Hora: 12:00


I will talk about the improvements in hydrodynamical cosmological simulations and the modelling of the formation and evolution of the observed galaxy population within the EAGLE simulation project. I will show results from EAGLE and other projects using the EAGLE model. I will also describe what data has been made publicly available, and give a couple of examples on how it could be used.


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