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Seminar" The 100-year Welfare State"

  • May 12th, 2017
Seminari " The 100-year Welfare State"

The Master’s Degree in Development, Institutions and Economic Integration will organise next May 17 the seminar “The 100-year Welfare State”, where professor Michael Huberman from Université de Montréal will give a lecture.

The Master’s Degree in Development, Institutions and Economic Integration will organise next May 17 the seminar “The 100-year Welfare

State”, where professor Michael Huberman from Université de Montréal will give a lecture. The activity will take place at the Room Ignasi Vilallonga Villalba, on the first floor of the Faculty of Economics. The act, which will start at 10:30h, counts on the collaboration of institutions such as DAE, Santander and the Area of History and Economic Institutions of the Universitat de València.