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Degree in: ADE, Economics, Finance and Accountancy, International Business, Tourism and Double degree in Tourism + Business Management and Administration

1. Introduction

External internships are training activities carried out by students in companies or institutions and entities. The main objective is to allow students to apply and complement the student’s academic learning, favouring, at the same time, the acquisition of skills, which prepare them for the exercise of professional activities, facilitate their employment and foster their entrepreneurial capacity.

The organization and management of the internships corresponds to ADEIT, Fundació Universitat_Empresa de la Universitat de València, in coordination with the Internship Commission of the Faculty of Economics.

All the practices of the different degrees are supervised by an academic tutor of the Faculty of Economics.

2. Attention to student

Academic questions: Placement coordinator:

Formalization of the internship: ADEIT 96 160 3000

Secretariat of the Faculty of Economics:  

3. Briefings

4. Duration of Internships and Training Programs

5. Internship guide

6. Calendar 2024-2025

In the following document you can consult the important dates that the internship student must consider throughout the academic year.

Calendar for work placements 2024-2025

Tasks Dates Location


May 15, 2024 at 2:15 p.m.

May 16, 2024 at 2:15 p.m.

By Videoconference 

In Classroom S101

Presentation of Autopracticums

  • Until 24 July if the placement is carried out between October and January
  • Until 29 November if the placement is carried out between February and June

The company fills out the Annex and the student sends it to ADEIT, through the following link 

naming the file with: 
Surname Name_Degree_Oct_Ene/Feb_Jun

Publication of a list of students with admitted Autoprácticums End of July and in the first fortnight of each month, from September to December On the Faculty website
Presentation of Recognition

From June 1 to July 12. No approval is allowed after this date. 

Provide documentation to the Secretariat of the Faculty through the following link: ​​​​​​    

Publication of the list of students seeking Recognition Second half of July On the Faculty website
Publication of the offers approved by the Internship Commission 1st semester: July 29
2nd semester: October 14

On the ADEIT website

Publication of list of students for internship placement selection     1st semester: September 9 
2nd semester: October 14

On the Faculty website

Selection of placement of choice by student 

1st semester: September 11
2nd semester: October 21 to 24

Video Conference 
The link is sent through Virtual Classroom
Start of placements

1st semester: From October 7, 2024 to January 31, 2025
2nd semester: From February 3 to June 30, 2025

Companies/Institutions or entities

7. Registration

Students who meet the requirements must enrol in the subjects of “Business Placements” and “End-of-Degree Work”

Important: When you register for the Business Placements, you must log in to the student portal to choose the modality (Ranking, Autopracticum or Recognition from professional experience) and the corresponding semester.

Requirements to enrol 

8. Internship modality (1): Autopracticums

Students may, on their own initiative, find a position to conduct their internship, which is known as “Autopracticum”. Its suitability will be assessed by the Internship Committee of the Facultat d’Economia.

The following rules must be noted:

  • You may not conduct your Autopracticum in two (or more) different positions.
  • You may not conduct you Autopracticum in a position in which a kinship relationship up to the third degree exists, either with management bodies of the company or entity or with the tutor/s.
  • Once an internship position has been selected in the ranking session, this choice will not be open to change, and you will not be able to choose an Autopracticum.
  • The Internship Committee recommends on-site internships. Mixed (on-site/remote) internships are accepted, but fully remote internships are not accepted.

Internship activities must be consistent with some of the training programs proposed: Training programs Facultat d’Economia

Should this not be the case, a description of the training project must be provided when submitting the application.


  1. The student looks for a company to do the internship. The company fills the Annex and the student submits it to ADEIT, through the following link
    The file sent to ADEIT must be named: Surname_Name_Degree_Oct_Jan/Feb_Jun 
    Deadline for submitting the Autopracticums: July 24th, if the internship is to be conducted in the first semester (from October to January), and November 29th, if the internship is to be conducted in the second semester (from February to June). 
  2. The Internship Committee will resolve the applications submitted in due time and form, and will publish the lists of students with accepted Autopracticums. 
  3. Once the Autopracticum has been accepted by the Internship Committee, it will be the student’s responsibility to inform the company about said acceptance. 

    Lists of students with accepted Autopracticum.

9. Internship modality (2): Recognition from professional experience

Those students who have developed a professional activity, with an employment contract or on their own, that is in line with the content of the corresponding degree, may apply for internship recognition.

  1. Download the following aplication and send it by email to   from 1 de June until 14 July
  2. Documentation required:
  1. For the recognition of activities with a work contract: Copy of the employment contract, employment record and certification from the company confirming that the activities have been completed and the period of time worked; the latter should naturally coincide with the
    employment record.
  2. For the recognition of activities carried out independently: Census certificate, a degree certificate or any other documentation that proves that the student has carried out the activity and the period of time worked.

Evaluation of the applications for recognition

Applications for recognition that meet the necessary requirements will be evaluated by the Placement Commission. The results will be published on the website of the Faculty of Economics second half of July.

If the recognition is not given, the student may choose a placement from the list of ADEIT placements or may propose, in due course, an Autopracticum.

10. Internship modality (3): Ranking

The students will be able to choose from a list with all the offered internship positions, which will be published in the ADEIT website. The following information will be available: company data, location, internship period, student requirements for the position, tasks to perform and whether there is any remuneration.

Consult the following link for the places approved by the internship commission: 

The proceeding for choosing the internship will be sent via e-mail, to the “alumni” account, as well as the date, time and place for the choosing session. The selection will follow the enrollment order.

The expected date of publication of the available positions, approved by the Placement Comission, is July 29th, for those internships to be conducted during the first semester, and October 14th, for those internships to be conducted during the second semester. They will be published in the ADEIT webpage.

The internships will be chosen on September 11th, for those internships to be conducted during the first semester, and from October 21st to 24th, for those to be conducted during the second semester.

The lists of students called to choose a position will be published September 9th, for those internships to be conducted during the first semester, and October 14th, for those to be conducted during the second semester.

11. Academic tutors and delivery of internship agreements

The internship agreement is a digital document (in pdf) so ADEIT will send it electronically, via email, to all interested parties: academic tutor, company tutor and student.

List of academic tutors:

Degree in Business Management and Administration (ADE)
1 Semester
 2 Semester
Degree in Business Management and Administration (ADE) Ontinyent
1 Semester
 2 Semester
Degree in Economics
1 Semester
 2 Semester
Degree in Finance and Accounting
1 Semester
 2 Semester
Degree in International Business
1 Semester
 2 Semester
Degree in Tourism
1 Semester
 2 Semester
Double Degree in Tourism and Business Management and Administration
1 Semester
 2 Semester

12. Internship evaluation

L'avaluació de la pràctica es basa en tres aspectes que tenen un pes específic diferent en la qualificació final, tal com es recull a la taula següent:

Students of the double degree in Tourism+ADE will be assessed according to whether the internship is in ADE or Tourism. In the case of the double degree in ADE+Dret, the tutors of the Faculty of Economics will use the percentages applied to the ADE placements.

Next, you can find the file to carry out the periodic reports and the tutorial of the UVjob course. The internship guide describes all three aspects in more detail.

13. Guide on data protection for students doing external internships

14. Frequent questions

If I have already finished my degree, can I do a placement?
You can do a placement until the end of the course in which you were enroled, even if you have completed the assessment in January or June.

Are the placements remunerated?
There are some placements that provide a remuneration package for the student, although companies are not obliged to do so. In the case that there is remuneration, it is indicated in the offer and in the placement agreement.

Can I take a holiday?
The duration and timetable for completion of the placement is adjusted to what is established in the professional field and company where the placement is carried out. However, if you want to request days off permission must be sought and agreed with the on-site supervisor of the company within the framework of the placement agreement.

What should I do in the case of an incident?​ 

Where can I do placements?
You can do placements in any company or institution in Spain or abroad and in activities related to your studies.

Can I start on a date other than the one in the placement agreement?
Yes, if the date is after the initially proposed start date and with the consent of both your academic tutor and on-site supervisor

What is the relationship between the student, the company and the University? 
Given the training nature of the internships, and according to the norms regulating External Internships, the company or institution does not hold any occupational obligation, since the established relationship lacks that condition, nor it is to be implied any type of commitment on their part to add the students to their personnel after the internship. 
If the company offers a financial aid package, information about it will be provided in the following link
If there is no remuneration for the internship, information about this can be found in the Universitat’s affiliation webpage
Likewise, the company is not allowed to fill any position, nor even a temporary or interim one, with those students who are conducting their internship.

What should I do in case of an incident?​ 

What should I do in case of an accident during my internship? 
Further information and proceeding: link



What rights and duties does the academic tutor have?
Article 12 of Royal Decree 592/2014, and Regulation of External Placements of the University of Valencia.

What rights and duties does the student have?
Article 9 of Royal Decree 592/2014, and Regulation of External Placements of the University of Valencia.

What rights and duties does the on-site supervisor have?
Article 11 of Royal Decree 592/2014, and Regulation of External Placements of the University of Valencia.