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Research, Teaching and Actions in Higher Education on the UN Sustainable Development Goals

  • Autors: Alcantud-Díaz, María (coord.)
  • Lloc de realització, Editorial, Any: Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, Cambridge Scholars Publishing , 2021.
  • Tipus de publicació: Llibre
  • URL Publicacio: Research, Teaching and Actions in Higher Education on the UN Sustainable Development Goals
  • Resum:

    Only once in a while does a book on how the 2030 Agenda Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) can be taught and researched in Higher Education arrive on the scene that all teachers and researchers should own. Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) of People: Research, Teaching and Actions in Higher Education, coordinated by María Alcantud-Díaz, is such a book. There are a lot of ideas and useful information packed into its 16 chapters that contribute to the common goal that the UN 2030 Agenda is for all human beings. The objective of this publication is to share ideas, experiences, thoughts and findings related to the presence and inclusion of the SDG in Higher Education. In my opinion, it might shed some light on the path towards a more sustainable world and a more willing-to-take-action group of teachers and students who wanted to work, from their different fields of study, for a better society. Carles Padilla - Vice-Principal for Internationalisation and Cooperation - University of Valencia

  • ISBN: 1-5275-7177-7 (10) ; 978-1-5275-7177-8 (13)