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Massarray Platform

Massarray Platform
Massarray Platform
Brand: Agena Biosciences, Massarray Compact®. Applied Biosystems, GeneAmp® PCR System 9700. Applied Biosystems, Proflex® Dual384 PCR System 9700.
Type: Equipment

The Massarray platform is responsible for the research study of biological samples through the fine mapping of DNA sequences and the analysis of methylation phenomena. With this equipment, dozens of DNA variants such as SNPs, insertions or deletions can be analysed in hundreds of samples in a short time with a high degree of precision and sensitivity. It is also possible to analyse somatic mutations such as those present in samples of cancerous origin. Finally, the degree of methylation of individual CpGs in short DNA sequences can be quantitatively quantified.


The Massarray Compact® system consists of a SAMSUNG nanodispenser robot, which deposits the processed samples in 384-well microplates (Spectrochip®), and a BRUKER MALDI-TOF mass spectrometer with which the DNA samples contained in these microplates are analysed.

The mass spectrometer, in accordance with MALDI-TOF technology, projects a laser onto the DNA fragments on the plate so that they fly through a vacuum tube. The time of flight of each of these DNA fragments depends on the mass of the DNA and thus on its sequence. In this way, the exact sequence of a DNA fragment or, if known, the degree of methylation of the CpGs contained in its sequence can be determined.

In addition, the laboratory has a variety of equipment for the reception, storage and processing of DNA samples, cells or tissues to be treated. Of particular note is the MATRIX liquid dispensing robot, which facilitates and speeds up work with 384-well plates. The service also includes the Gene AMP 9700 96-well thermal cyclers and the 384-well Proflex for DNA sample amplification.

Together, this equipment allows working with DNA samples at a minimum concentration of 5ng/µl. The multiplex technology of this system allows performing dozens of different assays in each of the 384 wells of the plates. In this way, the simultaneous study (in the same well) of, for example, different polymorphisms of a nucleotide or the expression of different genes, is considerably cheaper and only requires a minimum amount of the DNA in question.

Practical implementation
  • Multiplex DNA variant genotyping. Iplex Gold.
  • Determination of somatic mutations. Oncofocus.
  • Characterisation of biobank samples and DNA libraries. Iplex Sample Id.
  • Quantification of the degree of DNA methylation. Epityper.
Quality certifications

ISO 9001

Terms of use

Analysis service. Contact laboratory staff for experimental design, budgets and sample delivery.