University of Valencia logo Logo Doctoral Programme in Physical Activity and Sport Sciences Logo del portal

Programme code: 3172

Regulations: Royal Decree 99/2011

Knowledge branch: Social and legal science

Doctoral website:

Organised by:Department of Physical and Sports Education

Management Centre:Postgraduate School

Participating Universities:Universitat de València

Programme Coordinator:Luis Millán González Moreno

Places available for new students:25

Teaching languages:Spanish, Valencian and English.

Aims: The aim of the programme is to train PhDs in the field of Physical Activity and Sport Sciences. Doctoral studies shall guarantee, as a minimum, the acquisition of the basic competences established in the Spanish Framework of Qualifications for Higher Education: systematic understanding of the field of study and mastery of its research skills and methods; ability to conceive, design or create, implement and adopt a substantial process of research or creation; ability to critically analyse, evaluate and synthesise new and complex ideas, as well as to communicate with the academic and scientific community and with society in general about their areas of knowledge; ability to promote, in academic and professional contexts, scientific, technological, social, artistic or cultural progress within a knowledge-based society.


This is the only doctoral programme in the field of physical activity and sport to be taught at the Universitat de València and one of the few in Spain with the will to attract students from its area of influence (Europeans and Latin Americans), as reflected in the percentages of theses and foreigners enrolled in the Master's degree, as indicated above. In addition, this doctoral programme offers the possibility of giving continuity to the research training of the students of both Master's Degrees and also to the research needs of the teaching staff of the Department of Physical and Sports Education and the Faculty of Physical Activity and Sports Sciences of the Universitat de València. This is endorsed by various productivity indicators of the main group of professors in the Department that supports the Masters and this doctoral programme.

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