Universitat de ValènciaDouble Degree in Chemistry and Chemical EngineeringFacultat de QuímicaEscola Tècnica Superior d'Enginyeria ETSE-UV Logo del portal

The future will have a lot of chemistry. At all scales, from small R&D laboratories to large production plants.If you are curious about how cosmetics, fuels, drugs, batteries and many other goods that we use on a daily basis are prepared, this double degree is for you.

In an increasingly demanding society, professional transversality is presented as something essential; understanding a chemical reaction from the gram to the ton while being aware of the challenges at each of the scales goes far beyond atoms and molecules. The double degree in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering offers you comprehensive, competitive and functional training: from the composition of essential products to the process for obtaining them; from the mechanism of reactions to industrial reactors; from waste to recycle technologies; and issues as important as the safe handling of hazardous substances or quality and certification in independent laboratories. All of this while paying attention to sustainability.

This double degree combines the knowledge of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering in a 5 years program planned for those who aspire to integral training. It will require effort, but your professional projection will be extraordinary. You will be able to practice as a Chemist and as an Engineer, and you will have the professional qualification of Industrial Technical Engineer.

Why not opening many doors at once?




More information about the double degree