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25 years teaching history of women at the Universitat de València

In the Faculty of Geography and History we commemorate 25 years of teaching of the history of women and gender in the Bachelor of History of the Universitat de València, which was one the first Spanish universities which introduced this subject in a groundbreaking way in 1994.

We have been teaching the history of women and gender for more than two decades, with a subject that initially was optional and that nowadays –after adapting to the successive changes of curricula– is part of the Degree of History with obligatory character, integrated in the contents that all students, future historians and historians, must take.

We celebrate these 25 years next Friday, November 29, from 11 am to 2 pm in the Salón de Actos Joan Fuster of the Faculty of Geography and History. It is an event open to students, teachers and the general public, and in which invited speakers, teachers from different generations of the faculty itself and former students of the subject will participate. The event is coordinated by Laura Guinot, researcher of CIRGEN project (Circulating Gender in the Global Enlightenment: Ideas, Networks, Agencies) which is funded by the ERC (AdG 787015). The event counts on the collaboration of the Faculty of Geography and History, of Departament d'Història Moderna i Contemporània and the Departament de Prehistòria, Arqueologia i Història Antiga.


Date 29 november 2019 at 11:00 to 14:00. Friday.


Salón de Actos Joan Fuster. Facultat Geografia i Història

Organized by

Facultat Geografia i Història.



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