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Cover of the book <i>Los chicos</i> by Toni Sala
AlumniUV: Quijote Reading Club

The AlumniUV community can join the Quijote Reading Club, which analyses literature written in Spanish.


The Vidreres town wakes up in shock. Two young brothers have died as a result of a car accident in the outskirts. In the seismic wave of this double tragedy, a banker lives trapped in his routine; a sex-addict trucker strokes his shotgun with the hope of one day blowing up everything; the girlfriend of one of the deceased brothers, the one who was driving, tries to fit the pieces of her broken life; and a solitary artist returns defeated to the city. With an economic crisis as a backdrop, Toni Salas approaches in this novel the coordinates of some lost characters that wander around the margins of a society that rejects them or, in the best of cases, simply ignores them. Death is the epicentre of this story, as well as the charm that each one of them holds.

Toni Sala, born in Sant Feliu de Guíxols, Girona, on 2 April 1969, is a writer who publishes his works in his mother tongue, Catalan.

Sala, who comes from a family of hoteliers, decided to break with tradition and chose the world of literature, a field where he soon started to stand out.

In 1997, Sala won the Documenta Award with his book of short stories Entomology. Later on, he would cultivate other genres such as essay, autobiography or novel. From this last genre, some of his works have been translated into Spanish, such as Los Chicos and Persecución, which was awarded the Crexells del Ateneu Barcelonès Award.


Date 14 may 2024 at 17:00 to 18:00. Tuesday.


Gonzalo Montiel Room (La Nau Cultural Centre)

Universitat, 2

Valencia (46003)

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