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Bicycles Campus Blasco Ibáñez
Let's bike to uni: bike ride between the three campuses

Sustainable Mobility Universitat de València 2024 Dates: Saturday, 27 April from 9:30am to 1:30pm and Thursday, 30 May from 4 to 8pm.


Sustainable Mobility Universitat de València 2024

Let's bike to uni: bike ride between the three campuses


Dates: Saturday, 27 April from 9:30am to 1:30pm or Thursday, 30 May from 4 to 8pm.

Meeting point: Sports Service on the Taronges Campus. Each person should bring their own bike and leave it inside the Sports Service where it will be guarded, while they attend the theorical session (1hr) in which the following topics will be addressed: How do you choose the best bike for you? What are thehealth benefits of cycling? What are the evnirnomental benefits? What are the rules and norms of cycling in the city?

We will have three hours to cycle to the Burjassot Campus, have a light snack and return to the Tarongers Campus passing by Blasco Ibañez. In total the ride will cover 20km on flat terrain and 95% of the journey will be along the bike lanes.


- ensure that UV staff and students interested in cycling acquire basic information on how to use bicycles

- be able to select the most suitable bicycle for their individual needs and personal use

- cycle from home to the university and as an element of leisure and health

- earn basic rules for safe cycling

Free registration: starting15 Abril

Places: 30 people for each cycle trip, only members of the UV university community

Organised by: Office of the Vice-Principal for Sustainability, Cooperation and Healthy Life

In collaboration with: Sports Service and the Faclty of Philosphy and Educational Sciences

Director of the activity: Cruz Pérez Pérez (member of the UV cycling club and lecturer at the Faculty of Philosophy and Educational Sciences).





  • 27 april 2024 at 09:30 to 13:30. Saturday.
  • 30 may 2024 at 16:00 to 20:00. Thursday.

Servei d'Esports del Campus dels Tarongers.

Avd. Albalat dels Tarongers, s/n

Vaència (46022)

Organized by

Organised by: Vice-rectorate for Sustainability, Cooperation and Healthy Living. In collaboration with: Sports Service and Faculty of Philosophy and Education Sciences UV




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