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Invitación a la presentación
Launching of the book Objetos celestes para prismáticos

On Friday 15th November at 8 p.m., at the Asociación Valenciana de Astronomía, the book Objetos celestes para prismáticos (Celestial objects for binoculars) will be presented.

With the participation of José Bosch, Ivan Dragoev and Mercedes Bartual, co-authors of the book; and Juan Fabregat, author of the prologue.

In this guide, conceived and organised to accompany the reader in the adventure of discovering the sky, the celestial objects appear grouped by constellations, and these, in turn, by the time of the year in which they are visible.  In each constellation, the objects of greatest interest and beauty are placed and described, with very useful comments to know how to identify them and appreciate their most notable characteristics. In addition to the so-called deep sky objects –clusters, nebulae and galaxies– the guide also presents the double stars that can be separated with binoculars and a selection of carbon variable stars. The information about the historical and mythological references of each constellation included in these pages assumes a cultural knowledge that complements the pure contemplation of the stars. At the end of the volume other aspects of scientific interest are dealt with and numerous tables are offered with useful data for the observations.


Date 15 november 2019 at 20:00 to 21:00. Friday.


Asociación Valenciana de Astronomía (C/ Professor Blanco, 16, València)

Organized by

Publicacions de la Universitat de València.



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