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Image desing for “ESCRIPTORS VALENCIANS DE L'EXILI” © Espirelius Estudio Gráfico





Each year the Valencian Academy of Language (AVL, for its abbreviation in Castellano) organises a programme of activities in relation to a Valencian writer who died at least ten years before, which typically takes place around 20 November, marking the anniversary of the first edition of Tirant Lo Blanch in1490. Whereas in 2022, the programme was dedicated to Joan Fuster, the Plenary of the AVL has decided that in 2023 it will honour Valencian Writers in Exile. To date, on this year’s topic, conferences have been held at La Nave, reeditions have been made, a didactic guide and a comic book have been published and a travelling exhibition has been organised. We now present this temporary exhibition in the Sala Martínez Guerricabeitia at La Nave, in which will be showcased documents, photographs, videos, books and several original writings of the Valencian writers who, at the end of the Civil War, were forced into exile in Algeria, France, the Soviet Union and several American countries, notably Mexico, where the Valencian colony founded the Casa Regional Valencian in 1942.


The exhibition will pay special tribute to different authors who, before their emigration, identified with Valencianism, such as Francesc Alcalà Llorente, Marí Civera, Àlvar Pascual-Leone, Artur Perucho Badia, Josep Castanyer, Angelí Castanyer, Emili Gómez Nadal, Gaetà Huguet Segarra, Francesc Puig Espert and Eduard Buïl Navarro, as well as the journalists Juli Just Gimeno and Carles Esplà Rizo.
Also present in the exhibition are several Valencian authors who published in Castellano, such as Max Aub, Juan Gil-Albert, Virgilio Botella Pastor, Bernardo Clariana, Juan Chabás, José Ricardo Morales, Pascual Pla i Beltrán, Ricardo Bastid Peris, Ricardo Orozco Muñoz and Vicente Llorens Castillo.


It will also feature leading professionals of Valencian culture in exile with an international scope, such as the artists Josep Renau and Manuela Ballester, the musicians Carlos Palacio and José Melchor Gomis, the architects Enrique Segarra, Jesús Martí and Félix Candela, the doctors José Puche and Francesc Bosch Morata, and the professors Guillermina Medrano and Alejandra Soler.


Lastly, the exhibition will highlight the fact that the republican exile of 1939 was the last of a long succession of previous exiles that has blackened Spanish history: that of the dictatorship of Primo de Rivera, that of the liberals, the Frenchified, the Jesuits, the Austracists, the expulsion of the Moors, that of the Jews and that of Arab personalities who were contemporaries of James I.


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Photograph of Manuela Ballester,s.d. Teresa Renau collection, Berlín