Welcome to my personal site
I'm Full Professor of Economics at the University of Valencia (Spain) and a Distinguished Research Affiliate at the Kellogg Institute for International Studies, University of Note Dame (USA). I'm also Research Associate at Chair of Energy Sustainability of the University of Barcelona, and the Institute of International Economics of the University Jaume I.
My academic and applied specialization is in international economics and business. Prior to acquiring an academic condition that renders me useless of any productive tasks other than reading a lot, thinking a bit and writing a few, I had a life as en engineer in the telecom industry and became actively involved in regional development policy-making. |
What do I do? |
During 2022/2023 I was Visiting Associate Professor at the Department of Economics of the University of Notre Dame. Previously, Visiting Fellow at the Kellogg Institute (University of Notre Dame) during 2021/2022.
I made the youth mistake of studying telecommunications engineering (MsC) at the (UPV) but redeemed myself by studying economics at night while engineering networks in Nuremberg and Barcelona. I then pursued a Ph.D. in Economics while being the head of research at the Investment Promotion Agency of the Valencia Region.
My research interests are varied and span between international economics and business. My teaching subjects have been [too!] many, including integration economics and econometrics. Please check out my personal research statement. I am currently an academic editor at PLoS ONE and the Central European Management Journal.
Check out my blog summarizing my posts in newspapers and economics blogs (mostly in Spanish) [here].
Contact: jordi.panigua@uv.es
Selected Working Papers
“Do Deep Trade Agreements' Provisions Actually Increase -or Decrease- Trade and/or FDI? ” with Jeffrey Bergstrand
[The line: Some DTA provisions actually deter trade and enhance FDI, and viceversa!]
“The Multinational Revenue, Employment, and Investment Database (MREID) ” with Saad Ahmad, Jeffrey Bergstrand, and Heather Wickramarachi
USITC Economics Working Paper 2023-11-B
[PDF] [Slides] [Dataset (USITC gravity portal)]
[The line: MREID provides consistent information on international and domestic revenue, employment, and investment of multinational enterprises (MNEs) for a large number of countries and industries.]
Revision Requested at Review of International Economics
“Food Migration and Food Crises” with Carril-Caccia, F., & Suárez-Varela, M.
Bank of Spain Working Paper No 2227,
[2022 INFER Policy Research Award. Media coverage: VoxEU Column; SUERF Policy Brief; Bank of Spain Economic Bulletin Nada es Gratis (Spanish)]
[The line: Even mild food crises correlate with forced migration, but not severe ones (moving is costly) ] [pdf] [Slides]
Revision Requested at Journal of Population Economics
“Spain, Split and Talk: Quantifying Regional Independence ” with Hanna Adam and Mario Larch
CESifo Working Paper No. 10742
[PDF] [Slides]
[Media Coverage: Nada es gratis (in Spanish)]
[The line: Regional trade borders allow us to quantify the economic costs of regional independence.]
Revision Requested at Regional Studies
Selected Papers
“Does International Commercial Arbitration Promote Foreign Direct Investment?” with Myburgh, A.
The Journal of Law and Economics (2016), 59(3), 597-627. [DOI] [PDF] [Online Appendix] [Slides]
[Cited by: Asian Development Bank for Fiji's and Papua New Guinea accession to the NY Convention][Media coverage: Agenda Pública (El País) The National (PNG) Pacific Islands News Association (Fiji)]
[The line: Private dispute resolution through international commercial arbitration reduces investment costs and promotes FDI]
Does International Commercial Arbitration Promote Foreign Direct Investment? |
“Has the Euro paid off? A study of the trade-induced welfare effects of the EMU” with Gil-Pareja, S., Llorca-Vivero, R. & Esteve-Perez, S.
Journal of Money, Credit & Banking. (forthcoming)
[The line: The Euro increases welfare, but it is a second best] [PDF Slides]
“Is energy market integration a green light for FDI?” with Costa-Campi, M.T. & Trujillo, E.
Energy Journal (2018), 39, 39-56. [DOI] [PDF] [Slides]
[Media coverage: None]
[The line: Energy market integration reduces energy input prices and increases FDI flows.]
Is energy market integration a green light for FDI? |
“Business Performance and Social Media: Love or Hate?” with Sapena, J.
Business Horizons (2014), 57(6), 719-728. [DOI] [PDF] [Prezi] [Dataset]
[Best paper award] [Cited in: Wikipedia] [Media coverage: Valencia Plaza, Sintetia]
[The line: Facebook and Twitter followers have an effect on firm's financial performance]
Business Performance and Social Media: Love or Hate? |
“Corporate opinion leadership on professional social media” with Korzynski, P., and Mazurek, M.
Management Decision (2023) 61(1) 223-242.
[The line: The followers of corporate profiles in LinkedIn are determined by User-, Corporate-, and Employee-generated content]
Corporate opinion leadership on professional social media |
“Crossing borders with social media: Online social networks and FDI” with Korzynski, P., & Mas-Tur, A.
European Management Journal, (2017) 35(3), 314-326. [DOI] [PDF] [Prezi]
[Media coverage: None]
[The line: Facebook and Twitter followers anticipate foreign demand and have an effect on FDI]
Crossing borders with social media: Online social networks and FDI |