Benvinguts a la meua pàgina personal
Fa uns anys, vaig adquirir una condició acadèmica que em fa incapaç de qualsevol tasca productiva que no sigua llegir prou, pensar un poquet i escriure’n un poc. No m'he recuperat, ja que la majoria de la correspondència dirigida a mi com a “professor Paniagua” acaba amb “desgraciadament el seu paper ha estat rebutjat”. Tinc una llista de rebuig al meu CV |
Què faig?
Vaig cometre l'error juvenil d'estudiar enginyeria superior de telecomunicacions a la UPV, però em redimir estudiant economia a distància mentre enginyer xarxes a Nuremberg i Barcelona. Després vaig preparar un doctorat en Economia sent director del departament d'investigació de l'Agència de Promoció d'Inversions de la Comunitat Valenciana.
Els meus interessos de recerca són variats i van des de l'economia fins la gestió de les empreses internacionals. El meu docència tendeix a l'infinit, incloent economia d'integració i econometria.
La meva recerca més recent gravita al voltant de models de gravetat d'inversió estrangera directa (IED), comerç, migració, energia, turisme i la seva interacció amb el dret comercial, la integració econòmica, les crisis financeres, el benestar, les xarxes socials, el emprenedoria social, la innovació i també altres forces en l'univers de la investigació, com les finances, el govern corporatiu i la creativitat, entre d'altres.
Actualment sóc editor acadèmic en PLoS ONE i Central European Management Journal .
Tinc un blog amb els meus posts a la premsa i en blogs d'economia [ací].
Alguns Documents de Treball
“The Multinational Revenue, Employment, and Investment Database (MREID) ” with Saad Ahmad, Jeffrey Bergstrand, and Heather Wickramarachi
USITC Economics Working Paper 2023-11-B
[PDF] [Slides] [Dataset (USITC gravity portal)]
[The line: MREID provides consistent information on international and domestic revenue, employment, and investment of multinational enterprises (MNEs) for a large number of countries and industries.]
“Food Migration and Food Crises” with Carril-Caccia, F., & Suárez-Varela, M.
Bank of Spain Working Paper No 2227,
[2022 INFER Policy Research Award. Media coverage: VoxEU Column; SUERF Policy Brief; Bank of Spain Economic Bulletin Nada es Gratis (Spanish)]
[The line: Even mild food crises correlate with forced migration, but not severe ones (moving is costly) ] [pdf] [Slides]
“Spain, Split and Talk: Quantifying Regional Independence ” with Hanna Adam and Mario Larch
CESifo Working Paper No. 10742
[PDF] [Slides]
[Media Coverage: Nada es gratis (in Spanish)]
[The line: Regional trade borders allow us to quantify the economic costs of regional independence.]
Algunes publicacions
“Does International Commercial Arbitration Promote Foreign Direct Investment?” with Myburgh, A.
The Journal of Law and Economics (2016), 59(3), 597-627. [DOI] [PDF] [Online Appendix] [Slides]
[Cited by: Asian Development Bank for Fiji's and Papua New Guinea accession to the NY Convention][Media coverage: Agenda Pública (El País) The National (PNG) Pacific Islands News Association (Fiji)]
[The line: Private dispute resolution through international commercial arbitration reduces investment costs and promotes FDI]
Does International Commercial Arbitration Promote Foreign Direct Investment? |
“Has the Euro paid off? A study of the trade-induced welfare effects of the EMU” with Gil-Pareja, S., Llorca-Vivero, R. & Esteve-Perez, S.
Journal of Money, Credit & Banking. (forthcoming)
[The line: The Euro increases welfare, but it is a second best] [PDF Slides]
“Is energy market integration a green light for FDI?” with Costa-Campi, M.T. & Trujillo, E.
Energy Journal (2018), 39, 39-56. [DOI] [PDF] [Slides]
[Media coverage: None]
[The line: Energy market integration reduces energy input prices and increases FDI flows.]
Is energy market integration a green light for FDI? |
“Business Performance and Social Media: Love or Hate?” with Sapena, J.
Business Horizons (2014), 57(6), 719-728. [DOI] [PDF] [Prezi] [Dataset]
[Best paper award] [Cited in: Wikipedia] [Media coverage: Valencia Plaza, Sintetia]
[The line: Facebook and Twitter followers have an effect on firm's financial performance]
Business Performance and Social Media: Love or Hate? |
“Corporate opinion leadership on professional social media” with Korzynski, P., and Mazurek, M.
Management Decision (2023) 61(1) 223-242.
[The line: The followers of corporate profiles in LinkedIn are determined by User-, Corporate-, and Employee-generated content]
Corporate opinion leadership on professional social media |
“Crossing borders with social media: Online social networks and FDI” with Korzynski, P., & Mas-Tur, A.
European Management Journal, (2017) 35(3), 314-326. [DOI] [PDF] [Prezi]
[Media coverage: None]
[The line: Facebook and Twitter followers anticipate foreign demand and have an effect on FDI]
Crossing borders with social media: Online social networks and FDI |