
 Articles in international refereed journals



“Has the Euro paid off? A study of the trade-induced welfare effects of the EMU” with Gil-Pareja, S., Llorca-Vivero, R. & Esteve-Perez, S.
Journal of Money, Credit & Banking. (2024) [DOI]
[The line: The Euro increases welfare, but it is a second best] [PDF Slides]

Has the Euro paid off? A study of the trade-induced welfare effects of the EMU


“Does Terrorism Affect Foreign Greenfield Investments?” with Carril-Caccia, F., and Milgram-Baleix, J.
Defence and Peace Economics (2023) 34(6), 827-844. [DOI] [PDF] [Slides]
[The line: Terrorism has a negative effect on FDI]

Does Terrorism Affect Foreign Greenfield Investments?

“Corporate opinion leadership on professional social media” with Korzynski, P., and Mazurek, M.
Management Decision (2023) 61(1) 223-242. [DOI] [PDF]
[The line: The followers of corporate profiles in LinkedIn are determined by User-, Corporate-, and Employee-generated content]

Corporate opinion leadership on professional social media


“Moving ideas across borders: Foreign inventors, patents and FDI” with Cuadros, A. & Navas, A.
The World Economy (2022) 45(12) 3652-3678. [DOI] [PDF] [Slides]
[The line: Migrant inventors amplify the effect of innovation (patents) on FDI ]

Moving ideas across borders: Foreign inventors, patents and FDI

Regional headquarters and foreign direct investment with Gil-Pareja, S. and Llorca-Vivero, R.
Review of International Economics (2022) 30(4), 1288-1310. [DOI] [PDF]
[The line: Regional Headquarters of foreign firms have positive spillover effects on other foreign firms.]

Regional Headquarters and FDI

Cross-border Higher Education: The expansion of International Branch Campuses with Villó, C. and Escrivà, M.
Research in Higher Education (2022) 63, 1037-1057. [DOI] [PDF] [Slides]
[The line: Using Gravity to study the extensive and intensive margins of Universities' investment in International Branch Campues.]

Cross-border Higher Education: The expansion of International Branch Campuses

“Tourism and migration: Identifying the channels with gravity models” with Santana-Gallego, M.
Tourism Economics (2022) 28(2), 394-417. [DOI] [PDF] [Slides]
[The line: Migration has an effect on tourism flows through three channels: information, travel costs, and demand for visiting friends and relatives.]

Tourism and migration: Identifying the channels with gravity models

Does happiness drive tourism decisions? with Santana-Gallego, M. and Peiró-Palomino, J.
Economic Modelling (2022) 111, 105824. [DOI] [PDF] [Slides]
[The line: Tourists search happiness! ]

Does happiness drive tourism decisions?


“Asylum migration in OECD counties. In search of lost well-being” with Peiró-Palomino, J., & Picazo-Tadeo, A.J.
Social Indicators Research (2021) 153, 1109–1137. [DOI] [PDF] [Slides] [Dataset]
[The line: Well-being is a relevant determinant of asylum migation flows]

Asylum migration in OECD counties. In search of lost well-being

“Asylum Migration, Borders, and Terrorism in a Structural Gravity Model” with Carril-Caccia, F. and Requena, F.
Politics and Governance (2021) 9(4), 146–158. [DOI] [PDF] [Dataset]
[The line: Terrorism is an important determinant of asylum migraton. And borders matter!]

Asylum Migration, Borders, and Terrorism in a Structural Gravity Model

Corruption and International Trade: A Re-assessment with Intra-National Flows with Esteve-Pérez, S., Gil-Pareja, S. and Llorca-Vivero, R.
Economics (2021) 15(1), 187-198. [DOI] [PDF] [Slides]
[The line: Corruption has a negative effect on trade flows and welfare.]

Corruption and International Trade: A Re-assessment with Intra-National Flows


Trade Law and Trade Flows with Gil-Pareja, S. & Llorca-Vivero, R.
The World Economy (2020), 43(3), 681704. [DOI] [PDF] [Slides]
[The line:
Trade law reform aimed at the private resolution of conflicts (commercial arbitration and mediation) fosters trade]

Trade law and trade flows


Migration and FDI: The role of job skills with Cuadros, A. & Martín-Montaner, J.
International Review of Economics & Finance (2019), 59, 318332. [DOI] [PDF] [Online Appendix] [Slides]
[The line:
Migrants with skilled jobs (managers) hava a stronger effect on FDI]

Migration and FDI: The role of job skills

Foreign Direct Investment in oil-abundant countries: The role of institutions with Carril-Caccia, F. & Milgram-Baleix, J.
PLoS ONE (2019), 14(4), e0215650. [DOI] [PDF] [Dataset]
[The line: Institutions matter! Institutions paliate the Dutch desease in oil-abundant countries

Foreign Direct Investment in oil-abundant countries: The role of institutions.

Energy Market Integration and electricity trade with Batalla, J. & Trujillo-Baute, E..
Economics of Energy & Environmental Policy (2019), 8(2), 5367. [DOI] [PDF] [Slides]
[The line:
Market integration fosters trade, also trade in electricity]

Energy market integration and electricity trade

Employee creativity in a digital era: the mediating role of social media with Korzynski, P. & Rodriguez-Montemayor, E.
Management Decision (2019), 58(6), 11001117. [DOI] [PDF] [Dataset]
[Media coverage: INSEAD Knowledge]
[The line:
Social media enchances employee's creativity]

Employee creativity in a digital era: the mediating role of social media


Is energy market integration a green light for FDI? with Costa-Campi, M.T. & Trujillo, E.
Energy Journal (2018), 39, 39
56. [DOI] [PDF] [Slides]
[The line: Energy market integration reduces energy input prices and increases FDI flows.]

Is energy market integration a green light for FDI?

Corporate governance and financial performance: The role of ownership and board structure with Rivelles, R. & Sapena, J.
Journal of Business Research (2018) 89, 229234. [DOI][ PDF] [Slides]
[The line: Ownership and board structure have an effect on turnover.]

Corporate governance and financial performance: The role of ownership and board structure


Crossing borders with social media: Online social networks and FDI with Korzynski, P., & Mas-Tur, A.
European Management Journal, (2017) 35(3), 314-326. [DOI] [PDF] [Prezi]
[Media coverage: None]
[The lineFacebook and Twitter followers anticipate foreign demand and have an effect on FDI]

Crossing borders with social media: Online social networks and FDI

Sovereign debt spreads in EMU: The time-varying role of fundamentals and market distrust with Sapena, J., & Tamarit, C..
Journal of Financial Stability (2017), 33, 187–206. [DOI] [PDF] [Slides] [Dataset]
[Media coverage:

[The line:
Market sentiments amplify (or reduce) the relative importance of soverign spread time-varying determinants]

Sovereign debt spreads in EMU: The time-varying role of fundamentals and market distrust

Fiscal Sustainability in EMU countries: A continued fiscal commitment? with Sapena, J., & Tamarit, C.
Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money (2017), 50, 8597.  [DOI] [PDF] [Slides] [Dataset]
[The line:
Goverments react to excess debt and veer their fiscal policies]

Fiscal Sustainability in EMU countries: A continued fiscal commitment?


Does International Commercial Arbitration Promote Foreign Direct Investment? with Myburgh, A.
The Journal of Law and Economics (2016), 59(3), 597-627. [DOI] [PDF] [Online Appendix] [Slides]
[Cited by: Asian Development Bank for Fiji's and Papua New Guinea accession to the NY Convention][Media coverage: Agenda Pública (El País) The National (PNG) Pacific Islands News Association (Fiji)]
[The line: Private dispute resolution through international commercial arbitration reduces investment costs and promotes FDI]

Does International Commercial Arbitration Promote Foreign Direct Investment?

Homeward bound FDI: Are migrants a bridge over troubled finance? with Cuadros, A. & Martín-Montaner, J.
Economic Modelling (2016), 58, 454465. [DOI] [PDF] [Slides]
[The line: Hello crisis my old friend, I've to come to research you again]

Homeward bound FDI: Are migrants a bridge over troubled finance?

A note on implementing gravity datasets with abundant zeros
Economics Bulletin (2016), 36(1), 268280. [DOI] [PDF]
[The line: How to add zeros to gravity datasets efficiently from raw data]

Score a tweet and post a goal: Social media recipes for sports stars with Korzynski, P
Business Horizons (2016), 59(2), 185–92. [DOI] [PDF] [Prezi] [Dataset]
[Media coverage: INSEAD Knowledge]
[The line: Fathing sports stars can still score contracts if they shine on social media]

Score a tweet and post a goal: Social media recipes for sports stars

Do Financial Crises Moderate Entrepreneurial Recipes? A Comparative Fuzzy Analysis with Apetrei, A. & Sapena, J.
Journal of Promotion Management (2016), 22(4), 482495. [DOI] [PDF] [Dataset]
[The line: The financial crisis affects entrepreneurship]

Do Financial Crises Moderate Entrepreneurial Recipes? A Comparative Fuzzy Analysis


Does high-speed passenger railway increase foreign trade? An empirical analysis with Gil-Pareja, S. & Llorca-Vivero, R.
International Journal of Transport Economics (2015), 42(3), 353372. [DOI] [PDF]
[Media coverage: Revista Plaza, El Mundo, Las Provincias]
[The line: High-speed passanger railways free cargo railway capacity used for international trade]

Is social entrepreneurship a greenfield for foreign direct investment? A conceptual and empirical analysis with Mas-Tur, A. & Sapena, J.
Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences (2015), 32(4), 265–275. [DOI] [PDF] [Slides]
[The line: Social
entrepreneurship through legitimacy and social strategy fosters foreign capital and jobs.]

Is social entrepreneurship a greenfield for foreign direct investment? A conceptual and empirical analysis

A gravity model for foreign re-investment
Economics Bulletin (2015), 35(1), 627632. [DOI] [PDF]
[The line: Why do foreign firms invest again in the same location?

Quantile regression for the FDI gravity equation with Figuereido, E., & Sapena, J.
Journal of Business Research (2015), 68(7), 15121518. [DOI] [PDF] [Prezi] [Code]
[Best Paper Award]
The line: "The happy few" Increasing one FDI project can have a large effect on aggregate foreign capital]

Quantile regression for the FDI gravity equation

Do credit constraints reduce foreign jobs? A note on foreign direct employment ” with Sapena, J. .
Applied Economics Letters (2015), 22(3), 195–198. [DOI] [PDF]
[The line: The Great Recession had a negative effect on foreign jobs.

The effect of the great recession on foreign direct investment: Global empirical evidence with a gravity approach


Business Performance and Social Media: Love or Hate? with Sapena, J.
Business Horizons (2014), 57(6), 719-728. [DOI] [PDF] [Prezi] [Dataset]
[Best paper award] [Cited in: Wikipedia] [Media coverage: Valencia Plaza, Sintetia]
[The line:
Facebook and Twitter followers have an effect on firm's financial performance] 

Business Performance and Social Media: Love or Hate?

Is FDI doing good? A golden rule for FDI ethics with Sapena, J.
Journal of Business Research (2014), 67(5), 807–812. [DOI] [PDF] [Prezi]
[Best paper award][Media coverage: None]
[The line: "Therefore whatever you desire for men to do to you, you shall also do to them" (Matthew 7:12)]

Is FDI doing good? A golden rule for FDI ethics


The effect of the great recession on foreign direct investment: Global empirical evidence with a gravity approach with Gil-Pareja, S. & Llorca-Vivero, R.
Applied Economics Letters (2013), 20(13), 1244–1248. [DOI] [PDF]
[The line: The Great Recession had a negative effect on Greenfield FDI and re-investment flows.

The effect of the great recession on foreign direct investment: Global empirical evidence with a gravity approach

The ethics of foreign knowledge brokers: a conceptual and empirical framework with Sapena, J.
European Journal of International Management (2013), 7(3), 333–349. [DOI] [PDF]
[The line: Foreign employees bring to their host country their culture and their ethical standards

The ethics of foreign knowledge brokers: a conceptual and empirical framework

Other Articles

Análisis de las agencias de promoción de inversión extranjera with Sapena, J. & Villó, C.
Información Comercial Española (2020), 913, 1535. [DOI] [PDF]

“Talent Goes Social: Online Corporate Networking and Business Performance” with Peris-Ortiz, M. & Korzynski, P.
Sustainability (2020), 12(20), 8660. [DOI] [PDF] [Dataset] [Referee Reports]
[The lineOnline social talent (employees and their skills) affect business performance]

Talent Goes Social: Online Corporate Networking and Business Performance

“Social Determinants of Success: Social Media, Corporate Governance and Revenue” with Rivelles, R. & Sapena, J.
Sustainability (2019) 11, 5164. [DOI] [PDF] [Dataset] [Referee Reports]
[The line:When board members Tweet, revenue follow!]

Social Determinants of Success: Social Media, Corporate Governance and Revenue

Crisis financieras e inversión extranjera: un análisis de fusiones y adquisiciones with Carril-Caccia, F.
Papeles de Economía Española (2018), 158, 188–202. [DOI] [PDF]
[Media coverage: FUNCAS]

FDI in MENA: Impact of political and trade liberalization context with Milgram, J., Carril-Caccia, F., Ghali, S. & Zitouna, H.
FEMISE Research Papers (2018), FEM4107. [PDF]

Antecedentes, consecuencias y paradojas del Brexit"
Razón y Fe (2018) 277(1431), 8797. [PDF]
[Media coverage: ALDE]

La inversión extranjera greenfield en España with Benítez-Masip, A.
Información Comercial Española (2017), 896, 165176. [DOI] [PDF]

El potencial de China with Gil-Pareja, S. & Llorca-Vivero, R.
Papeles de Economía Española (2016), 150, 38–50. [DOI] [PDF]
[Media coverage: FUNCAS]

Does FDI in China displace foreign jobs in Asia?
International Journal of Economics and Finance (2014), 6(11), 5229. [DOI] [PDF]

Auswirkungen der Finanzkrise with Tatay, J.
Jesuiten (2013), 5(3), 18. [PDF]

Policy Brief

Redes Sociales e Innovación empresarial
Economía del conocimiento innovación y competitividad (2019), p. 10-12. Valencia: REDIT

Foreign direct investment in MENA: Impact of institutional context with Carril-Caccia, F. & Milgram, J.
FEMISE MED BRIEF (2018) no. 3 [PDF]

Foreign Direct Investment in the MENA Region: Factors that Hinder or Favour investments in the Region with Carril-Caccia, F. & Milgram, J.
IEMed Mediterranean Yearbook (2018), p. 283288. [PDF]

  Book Chapters


Macro Talent Management in Spain with Álvaro-Moya, A. & Gallardo-Gallardo, E.
in Vaiman, V., Sparrow, P., Schuler, R., & Collings, D. G. (Eds.), Macro Talent Management (2019), p. 123153. New York: Routledge. [DOI]


Arbitraje Internacional e Inversión Extranjera: El caso de las energías renovables
in Martínez-Serrano (Ed.), El gobierno de la globalización. A propósito del septuagésimo aniversario del GATT (2018) Madrid: Funcas [PDF]
[Media coverage: ALDE]


 The impact of UNCITRAL on Foreign Direct Investment with Myburgh, A. 
in Modernizing International Trade Law to Support Innovation and Sustainable Development, proceedings of the Congress of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (2017), p. 110. Vienna: United Nations. [PDF] [Slides]
Presented in UNCITRAL's 50thAnniversary Congress at the United Nations General Assembly in Vienna [pic] [link]

Online Corporate Social Networking, with Korzynski, P. 
in Carayannis, E. G. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Creativity, Invention, Innovation and Entrepreneurship (2017), p. 14. New York: Springer [DOI] [PDF]

User-Generated Information System with Korzynski, P. 
in Carayannis, E. G. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Creativity, Invention, Innovation and Entrepreneurship (2017), p. 14. New York: Springer [DOI] [PDF]

Social Media Crowdsourcing with Korzynski, P. 
in Carayannis, E. G. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Creativity, Invention, Innovation and Entrepreneurship (p. 14). New York: Springer [DOI] [PDF]


 The effect of systemic banking crises on entrepreneurship with Sapena, J.
in Peris-Ortiz, M. and Sahut, J.M. (Eds.), New challenges in entrepreneurship and finance (2015), p. 195207. Geneva: Springer. [DOI] [PDF] [Slides]

The China effect on foreign reinvestment in Asia with Gil-Pareja, S. & Llorca-Vivero, R.
in Díaz-Roldán, C. & Perote, J. (Eds) Advances on International Economics (2015), p. 343364. London: Cambridge Scholars Publishing [DOI] [PDF]