Work in Pampers

 Working Papers

“The Multinational Revenue, Employment, and Investment Database (MREID) ” with Saad Ahmad, Jeffrey Bergstrand, and Heather Wickramarachi
USITC Economics Working Paper 2023-11-B
[PDF] [Slides] [Dataset (USITC gravity portal)]
[The line: MREID provides consistent information on international and domestic revenue, employment, and investment of multinational enterprises (MNEs) for a large number of countries and industries.]

“Food Migration and Food Crises” with Carril-Caccia, F., & Suárez-Varela, M.
Bank of Spain Working Paper No 2227,
[2022 INFER Policy Research Award. Media coverage: VoxEU Column; SUERF Policy Brief; Bank of Spain Economic Bulletin ]
[The line: Even mild food crises correlate with forced migration, but not severe ones (moving is costly) ] [pdf] [Slides]


“Spain, Split and Talk: Quantifying Regional Independence ” with Hanna Adam and Mario Larch
CESifo Working Paper No. 10742
[PDF] [Slides]
[Media Coverage: Nada es gratis (in Spanish)]
[The line: Regional trade borders allow us to quantify the economic costs of regional independence.]

Work in Progress

Economic complexity and trade  
[The line: A gravity model for the effect of economic complexity and trade] [Slides]

he Welfare Effects of International Commercial Law Reform with Myburgh, A.
[The line: How trade law affects welfare] [Slides]