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Academic year 2020-2021

Every year, the Spanish Ministry of Education announces various types of grants for university students.

Text of the call for applications:

Resolution, of the Secretary of State for Education, announcing general scholarships for the 2020-2021 academic year for students who are studying post-compulsory studies.

To be a beneficiary, it will be necessary

  • Not be in possession of or not meet the legal requirements for obtaining a qualification of the same or higher level than that corresponding to the studies for which the grant or aid is requested.
  • Fulfil the basic requirements established in Royal Decree 1721/2007, as well as those established in this call.
  • Be enrolled in one of the courses of study in the Spanish university system listed in article 3 of this call.
  • Be Spanish, or be a national of a Member State of the European Union. In the latter case, the student or his/her breadwinners must be working in Spain. In the case of non-EU students, the provisions of the regulations on the rights and freedoms of foreigners in Spain and their social integration will apply.

Education included

Grants are available for the following courses of study, with no specific number of beneficiaries:

  • Post-compulsory and higher non-university systems, studied in Spanish centres and valid throughout the national territory.
  • University studies of the Spanish university system, studied in Spanish centres and valid throughout the national territory.

This call does not include scholarships for students corresponding to the third cycle or doctorate, specialisation studies or university specific degrees.

Deadline for submission

Until 15 October 2020.




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Very important announcement

We remind the beneficiaries of the Spanish Ministry of Education scholarship for the current academic year 2020-2021 that in accordance with the scholarship regulations, it will be understood that the scholarship has not been used for the purpose for which it was granted, those who have incurred in any of the following situations:

  • Having cancelled their enrolment.
  • Not having passes the 50% of the credits enrolled, either in ordinary or extraordinary exams. In the case of courses in the branches of Science and Technical Education, the minimum percentage to be passed will be 40%. For the calculation of this percentage, validated, recognised or adapted credits will be excluded. In this case, all the components of the grant will be refunded, with the exception of the enrolment grant.

In these cases, the grant awarded will be refunded.