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Digital transformation has a significant impact in our society. Just formulating the different advances that are impacting in our society from any point of view is overwhelming:

  • Cloud Computing.
  • Big Data.
  • Smart Cities.
  • Internet of Things.
  • Drones, wearables, smart devices, connected toys
    • Smartphones and mobile applications.
  • Artificial intelligence.
  • Robotics.

And in every case we can speak of notable events. From a negative point of view, we have witnessed several news about security breaches and cyberwar scenarios. Dolls that process minors’ data, problems in social networks or polemics related to their use, espionage on citizens... The list could be endless. Nevertheless, we can also identify several opportunities. It is not just those cases in which an entrepreneur successes and wins the first million dollars. The advances in medicine, robotics, home automation or telecare, the possibilities for growth in exporting economies that are ready to reach the client on the other side of the planet, the scenarios of scientific, public and business innovation, the possibilities for a more democratic, open and participatory society.

All this, the good and the bad things, are always present in any transformation process. If forecasts are right, we are witnessing a new revolution, the Fourth one. This involves much more than the society of information and knowledge we spoke about in the 90s, or the Internet Galaxy. The substantial increase in computational capacity, the potential arrival of quantum computing, autonomous learning programmes, place us in a scenario of innovation and change of exponential geometric progression.

The activity aims to make a sincere approach to all these phenomena as a tool to provide with knowledge those professionals who have the ability to convey to society the importance and meaning of the moment of digital transformation we are living. They have the enormous responsibility to be able to translate the facts, to put the news in context, to contribute to the noble work of forming a free public opinion.