This group collaborates with different national and foreign research groups:
Collaboration agreement to promote, encourage and edit research projects by postgraduate students of the Department of Contemporary History of the Faculty of Geography and History of the University of Valencia, with the collections of the Municipal Archives of Gandia.
- Collaboration agreement with the FEIS (Fundació d'Estudis i Iniciatives Sociolaborals) from CC.OO. that has resulted, among other things, in the call for a grant to carry out research on the labour movement in the contemporary period.
- Collaboration agreement with the Fundació Salvador Seguí, which has deposited its audio resources for students and researchers to consult.
- Collaboration agreement with the Confederación Sindical de Comisiones Obreras del País Valencià, in order to implement the Archivo del Movimiento Obrero Valenciano (Valencian Labour Movement Archive) on CD-ROM.
Socrates Programme
The Department of Contemporary History participates in this programme through agreements with the following universities:
- University of East Anglia
- The London School of Economics and Political Science
- Universidad Nacional de Mar de Plata (Argentina)
- Technische Universität Braunschweig (Lower Saxony, Germany)
- Albert-Ludwigs-Universität de Freiburg im Breisgau (Baden-Württemberg, Germany)