Universitat de ValènciaDepartament of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Technology and Parasitology,Departament of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Technology and Parasitology Logo del portal

Programme code: 3145

Regulations: Royal Decree 99/2011

Knowledge branch: Health sciences

Doctoral website: www.uv.es/doctorado-parasitologia

Organised by:Faculty of Pharmacy

Management Centre:Postgraduate School

Participating Universities:UVEG

Programme Coordinator:Mr. Màrius Vicent Fuentes i Ferrer

Places available for new students:10 places

Aims: The doctoral programme is aimed to provide students with the acquisition of scientific research methodology and the deepening in knowledge of different topics in the field of Parasitology and Parasitic Diseases, especially the tropical diseases, which represent a burden for the medical system in our country and may present a potential risk for public health. Training researchers in the field of these diseases is vital since our health professionals face new challenges related to parasitic diseases, some of which were considered exotic, tropical or strange years ago. In this sense, the programme comprises a wide research field of evident applicability in the scientific professional sector, throughout the hospital network of the National Health System, and in business related to the sector.

Description: The academic interest of the Doctoral Programme in Human and Animal Parasitology resides precisely in that has been an unique Programme in the Valencian Community framework from its origin, in the academic biennum 1986/87 and 1987/88,that has known how to adapt to the rules and regulations and that continues being unique and contemporary giving answers to doctoral students who have access it. Additionally, it is remarkable the fact that was worthy of the “Quality Award” by Resolution of 28/05/2003, from Universities General Management in the doctoral programmes of non-profit public and private universities (BOE, 12/06/2012) and that was renewed until the academic year 2006/2007. Also, is important alluding to the fact that this Doctoral Programme pivots about the “International Master’s Degree in Tropical Parasitic Diseases” of the World Health Organisation (UV-specific Master’s Degree taught since 1987 until 2005) and more recently about the “University Master’s Degree in Tropical Parasitic Diseases”, taught since 2005 until now, which has been recognised by ANECA in 22/03/2012 for its implementation in the academic year 2012/2013.

Administrative information: doctorado@uv.es

For academic information contact with: mario.v.fuentes@uv.es