Universty of ValènciaCàtedra SEOFER de Seguretat Vial i Mobilitat Intel·ligent Logo del portal

Imminent call: 2nd Edition SEOFER Chair Award for the best research work

  • May 31st, 2023

Attention to all those interested in road safety and transportation! Soon, an exciting call for awards will be launched by the SEOFER Chair in Road Safety and Intelligent Mobility to recognize Final Degree Works (TFG), Final Master Works (TFM) and Doctoral Theses related to these areas.

If you are a university student in Spain and you have dedicated your effort and passion to carry out research on road safety, smart mobility or road signaling, this is an opportunity that you should not miss.

In this call, we are looking for works that address crucial issues to improve road safety, such as the study and implementation of measures to enhance the human factor in driving, the reduction of accident rates and the protection of vulnerable road users, the efficiency of traffic management, the application of digitalization technologies in transport, the development of connectivity in mobility systems and the promotion of the reduction of polluting emissions.

In addition to the recognition and prestige that you will gain by participating in this award, there is an additional incentive: the prize for the winners amounts to 2000 euros. Undoubtedly, it is an unmissable opportunity to demonstrate your talent, dedication and commitment to road safety and transportation.

We encourage you to follow our social networks and visit our website to be aware of the dates of the call for entries and the specific requirements to participate. Show your knowledge and contribute to building a safer and more efficient road environment - don't miss this opportunity to make a difference in the field of road safety and transportation!