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  • Authors: García Fernández, I.; Pla Castells, M.; Martínez Durá, R. J.
  • (2007).
  • Publication types: Article
  • URL Publication: Analysis of cable model, considering mass and wave oscillations
  • Abstract:

    International e-Conference on Computer Science. Proceedings of the IeCCS2007 2007 Theoretical cable-pulley dynamics models usually lead to computationally expensive numerical models. For this reason, both mass and cable oscillation are usually neglected when efficiency is an issue. Recently a new model has been presented that allows the simulation of cable oscillation and catenary with low computational cost. In this paper, we present a preliminary analysis of the dynamics of the model, based on numerical tests. More precisely, we analyze the influence of the main parameters of the model over its dynamics, taking as a reference the massless models used so far.

  • Ignacio García Fernández