LISITT (Integrated Laboratory of Intelligent Systems and Technologies of Traffic Information), is a research and development group integrated into the IRTIC of the University of Valencia. Currently, LISSIT is a multidisciplinary group that includes more than 60 professionals: graduates, among professors, contracted professors and research staff, and who are continuously in a growing and expanding phase.
From its origins, LISITT has specialised in the study and development of intelligent traffic systems (ITS), including both technologic and organisational and strategic aspects, but for years has generalised its knowledge about technologies for the acquisition, processing, management and representation of information to other fields different to traffic and transport, such as health, and data protection.
LISITT is since 1989 preparing projects for the national administrations of traffic and transport, among which we should highlight the General Directorate of Traffic, The Ministry of Development and its autonomous counterparts from the Basque and Catalan Governments. Thus strengthening one of the main national groups in issues as counseling on telematics applied to transport, development of ITS systems, strategic counselling in topics of management, development and maintenance of traffic systems for administrations.
Companies and institutions that have a partnership with LISITT