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The Research Group for Spine Health Education has a long trajectory with studies already published in 1997. The group was constituted with its educative aspect in 2011 and formalized as a group inside the University of Valencia in 2020.

It is interdisciplinary and its main goal is to develop a quality research that dives into topics of health education. Its work is oriented towards the development of research about educative interventions in different levels of the mandatory education system, loyalty to educational implementations, research in the formation of teachers about pedagogic knowledge of the content, evaluation of educational methodologies and the research and development of instruments for the trustworthy documentation used in the decision-making of the teachers in educational context, research in evaluation of the education system and the development and application of a curriculum that contemplates the health and care of the spine as essential aspects in the improvement of the quality of life of the citizens.

The group’s goal is to provide evidence of the necessity of a health education from a young age, develop knowledge and curricular materials adapted to different ages and educational contexts, design, develop and evaluate interventions in the heart of the mandatory formation, training teachers for the development and apply interventions in education centres.

Other goals of the group are to connect the knowledge and scientific method with the educational practice through the development of research projects and innovation with education centres using socio-ecological models.

The teachers of the research group are part of the teaching body of the Faculty of Teacher Training of the University of Valencia participating in the Master’s degree in Secondary Education Teacher Training, area of Physical Education and the Master’s degree in Research in Specific Didactics, area of Physical Education, teaching and managing final master’s degree projects. They also participate in the Doctorate in Specific Didactics managing doctoral theses.