UVdocènciaUniversitat de València Logo del portal

From employability to employment: implications for curriculum design and teaching practice

Destinatarios PDI
Modalidad de impartición Presencial
Lengua Inglés
Duración total 3
Duración presencial 3
Programa Convocatoria 'Docencia e investigación'
Modalidad formativa Curso
Curso académico 2021-2022
Edición 01
Any del pla de formació 2022
Fecha de inicio del curso 30/05/2022
Fecha de finalización del curso 30/05/2022
Fecha de inicio de inscripción 16/05/2022
Fecha de finalización de inscripción 24/05/2022
Sesión Fecha y hora de inicio Fecha y hora de finalización Aula Ubicación
1 30/05/2022 14:00 30/05/2022 17:00 Aula PB SFPIE
Professorado no UV

Alejandro Armellini

Professor and Dean of Digital and Distributed Learning at the University of Portsmouth (UK). Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and Fellow of the Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce. He has also worked at the universities of Kent, Manchester, Leicester and Northampton in the UK, and at ORT Uruguay University in Montevideo

Objetivos formativos

By the end of this workshop, participants will have:

  • Developed their understanding of employability in the curriculum (especially the undergraduate curriculum) and its link to graduate employment.
  • Reflected on what constitutes an employmentfocused curriculum and to what extent this notion applies to their subject area.

Articulated sample formative and summative tasks that reflect the above

Competencias que se desarrollarán

Employability and employment in the curriculum

Criterios y procedimiento de evaluación de la actividad

The student has to comply the SFPIE's attendance and accreditation control process
