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Systematic reviews of psychometric properties of instruments through the COSMIN guide

Destinatarios PDI
Modalidad de impartición Presencial
Lengua Inglés
Duración total 10
Duración presencial 10
Programa Convocatoria 'Docencia e investigación'
Modalidad formativa Curso
Curso académico 2021-2022
Edición 01
Any del pla de formació 2022
Fecha de inicio del curso 14/06/2023
Fecha de finalización del curso 23/06/2022
Fecha de inicio de inscripción 16/05/2022
Fecha de finalización de inscripción 24/05/2022
Sesión Fecha y hora de inicio Fecha y hora de finalización Aula Ubicación
1 14/06/2022 16:00 14/06/2022 18:30 Aula 1.1 SFPIE Servicio de Formación Permanente e Innovación Educativa (SFPIE)
2 16/06/2022 16:00 16/06/2022 18:30 Aula 2.1 SFPIE Servicio de Formación Permanente e Innovación Educativa (SFPIE)
3 21/06/2022 16:00 21/06/2022 18:30 Aula 2.1 SFPIE Servicio de Formación Permanente e Innovación Educativa (SFPIE)
4 23/06/2022 16:00 23/06/2022 18:30 Aula 2.1 SFPIE Servicio de Formación Permanente e Innovación Educativa (SFPIE)
Profesorado UV
  • Georgieva Georgieva, Sylvia
  • PI-Invest Formacio Vali
  • D
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Objetivos formativos

- Provide with the necessary knowledge to evaluate the scientific rigor and psychometric quality of measurement instruments in the social and health sciences field.

- To present the updated COSMIN Guide to perform systematic reviews of instruments.

- To learn the difference between scientific rigor of articles and psychometric quality of an instrument.

- Provide with the skills to integrate and expose the information of a systematic review of instruments.


1. Introduction to systematic reviews of instruments

- Systematic reviews as an integrative methodology

- Types of systematic reviews: the review of instruments

- Steps to perform a systematic review of instruments:

  •  Establishing objectives
  • Selection and exclusion criteria
  •  Search strategy and data bases
  •  The PRISMA-P declaration

2. Assessment of psychometric properties of tools

- General methodology

- The application of good measurement properties criteria

- Assessment of scientific rugosity of studies

- Assessment of psychometric properties

- General assessment and categorization

3. Presenting the results of an instruments systematic review

- The COSMIN tool

- Scientific rigor of studies

- Psychometric properties

- Combined assessment and summary tables

Competencias que se desarrollarán

After this workshop, students should be capable of:

- Know and understand the main psychometric properties of an instrument

- Know all the steps in order to perform a systematic review of an instrument/s

- Be able to write, explain, and present the main results of this type of research according to the international protocols of systematic reviews

Criterios y procedimiento de evaluación de la actividad

The course will be taught through a presential methodology in which theoretical explanations and practical activities will be combined and corrected at the beginning of the classes

The bibliography and class materials will be sent to each student, as well as the instructions of the practical activities that will be be carried out

A pass mark for the course will be obtained by attending at least 85% of the classes and obtaining a pass mark in the proposed practical activities.
