Universitat de ValènciaDepartment of Astronomy and Astrophysics Logo del portal

Astronomic outreach


  • Nit de divendres, nit d'estels. El Departamento de Astronomía y Astrofísica, junto con el Observatorio Astronómico, realiza los viernes por la noche des de enero a junio unas sesiones de astronomía de puertas abiertas. Las sesiones tienen lugar en l'Aula d'Astronomia situada en el edificio Jeroni Muñoz del campus de Burjassot.

Astronomical News

  • Imagen astronómica del día. Each day a different image of our fascinating universe is featured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer..
  • Sociedad Española de Gravitación y Relatividad (SEGRE). En estas páginas se puede consultar información, no sólo de la SEGRE, sino sobre la investigación en Gravitación y Relatividad en sus aspectos matemáticos, teóricos, clásicos, cuánticos, numéricos, experimentales y sus aplicaciones.
  • Einstein online. It is a website explaining Einstein's theories of relativity to a general audience.
  • Science at ESA. This web page explains the ESA scientific activities.
  • News service from ESA. European Space Agency offers news of its scientific and tecnological activity.

Institutes of Astronomy

  • Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias. Located at La Laguna, apart of its scientific task, the institute also comprises the Observatorio del Teide and the Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos.
  • Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía. Located in Granada, its activities are related with the research in the fields of Astrophysics and with the development of instrumentation for telescopes and space probes.
  • Institut d'Estudis Espacials de Catalunya.Private, non-profit foundation whose purpose is to cooperate and participate in the development, promotion and implementation of activities, studies and projects related to spatial technology and scientific research of and from the space.
  • Jet Propulsion Laboratory NASA. Center belonging to NASA located at Pasadena, California to plan new planetary missions and study their results.
  • Institute for Computational Cosmology, Durham, UK. The Institute for Computational Cosmology is a leading international centre for research into the origin and evolution of the universe. The ICC is also the main UK base of the Virgo Consortium for cosmological simulations.

Astronomical observatories

  • Centro Astronómico de Yebes. It is located in the province of Guadalajara. It hosts a solar telescope, a double astrograph, the 14m radiotelescope, the labs and the workshops.


  • Diccionari Català-Valencià-Balear. The electronic version of the Diccionari català-valencià-balear (DCVB) from A. M. Alcover and F. de B. Moll has been digitized from the original paper version of the DCVB by the Institut d'Estudis Catalans (IEC).      
  • Diccionario de la lengua española. Electronic version of the main diccionary of spanish language that it is the task of the Real Academia Española de la Lengua.
  • English dictionary. Dictionary.com is a multi-source dictionary search service produced by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC, a leading provider of language reference products and services on the Internet.
  • Traductor en línea. Translate texts up to 1000 characters in several languages and also web pages.