The Master’s Degree in Corporate Finance offers two conference son Artificial Intelligence applied to economics and finance The Master’s Degree in Corporate Finance offers two conference son Artificial Intelligence applied to economics and finance 05/06/24 On 11 June we will enjoy two conferences led by experts from the prestigious Claremont Graduate University of California.[Read more]
La professora Irene Comeig admesa com a membre investigador en el Women and Public Policy programe de l'Harvard Kennedy School La professora Irene Comeig admesa com a membre investigador en el Women and Public Policy programe de l'Harvard Kennedy School 11/04/24 [Read more]
Reaccreditation of the Master’s Degree in Corporate Finance Reaccreditation of the Master’s Degree in Corporate Finance 19/02/24 On Thursday 22 February the External Assessment Committee of the Valencian Agency for Assessment and Forecasting visits the Master’s Degree in Corporate Finance by the Universitat de València as part...[Read more]
Doctoral student Marija Davcheva defends her doctoral thesis on job quality. Doctoral student Marija Davcheva defends her doctoral thesis on job quality. 01/02/24 [Read more]
Deloitte is looking for talent in the Master’s Degree in Corporate Finance Deloitte is looking for talent in the Master’s Degree in Corporate Finance 31/01/24 [Read more]
XI Premi d'Igualtat JJ Ponce 'Una imatge per a la Igualtat' XI Premi d'Igualtat JJ Ponce 'Una imatge per a la Igualtat' 30/01/24 [Read more]
Come and get informed about a Master’s Degree in Corporate Finance at the UV! Come and get informed about a Master’s Degree in Corporate Finance at the UV! 09/05/23 Master’s in Corporate Finance at the Economics Faculty Master’s Fair[Read more]
The Master's Degree in Corporate Finance, at the highest level in the world of finance The Master's Degree in Corporate Finance, at the highest level in the world of finance 14/06/22 The magazine 'Nueva Ciencia' publishes an article on the Universitat de València's Master's Degree in Corporate Finance, where almost 100% of its graduates find employment.[Read more]
Lliurament IX Premis d'Igualtat J.J. Ponce 07/03/22 La Comissió d'Igualtat de la Facultat d'Economia organitza els actes del día Internacional de la Dona que commemoren aquest dia, començant a les 12.15 hores a la Sala Sánchez Ayuso amb el lliurament...
El Departament de Finances Empresarials inaugura la Sala Matilde Fernández Blanco El Departament de Finances Empresarials inaugura la Sala Matilde Fernández Blanco 08/07/21 [Read more]
Vicente Sanchis Berenguer renova com a Director del Departament de Finances Empresarials per al període 2021-2024 Vicente Sanchis Berenguer renova com a Director del Departament de Finances Empresarials per al període 2021-2024 29/03/21 Vicente Sanchis, ha sigut reelegit Director en el Consell Extraordinari de Departament celebrat el passat 25/03/21, per 27 vots a favor, cap en contra i cap abstenció.[Read more]