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The council is the governing body of the department.
It is composed of:

  • All teaching and research staff who hold a PhD and are affiliated to the department.
  • Representation from the rest of the teaching and research staff, as follows:
  1. All full-time teaching and research staff.
  2. 50% of part-time teaching and research staff.
  • Representation of research grantholders affiliated to the department, as follows:
  1. All who have a certificate of proficiency in academic research or the equivalent that establishes the status of a research grant holder.
  2. 50% of the remaining research grantholders.

Representation of students from different cycles and centres taught by the department, equal to half of the total number of members of the first two groups mentioned above.
Representation of administrative and service staff affiliated to the department equal to a fifth of all the members of the first two groups mentioned above.
Representation, where appropriate, of the adjunct teaching staff from health institutions.
The department council must be renewed every three years except in the case of student representatives, who hold a one-year term. Vacancies produced during this time shall be covered for the remaining time.
Competencies of the department council:

  • Develop, approve and amend internal departmental regulations.
  • Elect the director and members of the permanent board.
  • Elect department representatives for faculty University committees.
  • Create, if applicable, department teaching units and choose coordinators.
  • Make a proposal to the Governing Council to create departmental sections and elect their directors.
  • Demand responsibilities for those holding a post or chosen representatives and, if applicable, revoke these responsibilities.
  • Issue a report on the proposals for curriculum regarding courses affiliated to the department and request modifications.
  • Apply UV guidelines on language policy.
  • Issue a report on proposals for organisation of the academic year prepared by the faculties.
  • Assign responsibilities to teaching staff each academic year.
  • Request staff and resources needed to carry out the department’s activities.
  • Ensure, with respect for academic freedom, that the syllabi for courses taught by the department and are in accordance with the curriculum.
  • Distribute the budget allocation of the department.
  • Prepare the department’s annual report.
  • Settle disputes that may arise within the department, without detriment to possible future appeals.
  • Appoint departmental committees that are deemed necessary to help carry out the competencies.

The department council shall meet at least twice during the academic year.