Erasmus Outgoing

  • Quines ajudes bàsiques o complementàries hi ha i com les puc demanar?

    En el curs 2018-2019, els estudiants i estudiantes reben una ajuda de la Unió Europea per un màxim de 7 mesos. Els estudiants amb mobilitat de curs complet també reben una ajuda de la Universitat de València en un pagament únic..

    Eventualment, es convoquen altres beques per part de la Generalitat Valenciana, alguns ajuntaments menuts, beca Santander Erasmus, etc. Estigues atent a la nostra pàgina web per a assabentar-te del procediment en cada cas.

    Per al curs 2018-2019, pots consultar tota la informació al apartat "Beques i Dotació Econòmica" del nostre web.

  • Sóc un estudiant estranger, tinc dret a una estada Erasmus estudis?

    Sí, a més dels estudiants i estudiantes espanyols, podran ser beneficiaris de la beca Erasmus els ciutadans i ciutadanes d'un estat membre de la Unió Europea i aquells que estiguen en possessió d'un permís de residència vàlid per a residir a Espanya durant el període de realització de la mobilitat. Si no eres de la Unió Europea necessitaràs un visat. Consulta amb l'ambaixada del país de destinació i amb l'ambaixada del teu país.

  • Ja m'han acceptat en la universitat de destinació. He de presentar algun paper a la Universitat abans d'anar-me'n?

    Sí. Hi ha documents que has de presentar abans d'anar-te'n, altres que ens hauràs d'enviar per correu electrònic quan estigues allà i, finalment, més documents -ara originals- que has de presentar una vegada hages tornat. Les ajudes econòmiques i el reconeixement de crèdits depenen de què ens presentes tota la documentació. Consulta l'any que et toca i assegura't d'entendre tota la informació de la nostra secció Documents Útils.

  • Can I go on an Erasmus programme in the 2020-21 academic year given the situation we have with the COVID-19?

    At the moment, the Universitat de València is working on a scenario of normality for the next academic year. This means that the same thing is being done as in other years, like there was no coronavirus crisis. Therefore, you must follow the indications that the universities tell you. Now, this scenario may change in the next few weeks. We will let you know at your university email if there is any important information. In the following link you will find all the procedures that you have to do for your stay. More information:

  • Can I give up the Erasmus grant for the 2020-21 academic year because of the situation we have with the coronavirus?

    You can give up the Erasmus scholarship for the year 2020-21. You will not be penalized for the special situation with the coronavirus. It is highly recommended that you resign as soon as you are sure that you will not go on an Erasmus scholarship and, in any case, before June 30th. If you resign, you will be able to register for academic subjects in Valencia as you do every year at the end of July. If you resign, you must send an e-mail informing of your resignation to You do not have to indicate the reason. More information at

  • When and how do I have to apply for the Erasmus Studies grant?

    The application for undergraduate students can be made online through the Student Services Portal. Applications are submitted during the month of November of the academic year prior to the year in which the mobility is done. For Master's students, the call for applications opens in September for mobility in the second semester of the same course. More information:

  • What requirements do I have to meet in order to participate in the Erasmus studies programme?

    You can go on Erasmus from the third year of your degree. You will call for the place in the second year, so you go on the third. Or in third year to go in fourth. You also have to prove your knowledge of the language of the country where you want to study. In the case of Master's students, there is no minimum number of credits required to participate in the call for applications. More information:

  • I would like to go to Erasmus, but I am not sure which university I would go to. Can I know?

    In the Student Service Portal, you can see the foreign universities offered in each degree. Each Faculty decides on the criteria to be applied. The most important criterion is the average mark. But other criteria are also evaluated, such as languages or being from the ARA group. More information: (Not available in English)

  • I have already done an Erasmus study stay, can I do another one?

    The sum of the Erasmus+ stays (studies and internships) cannot exceed 12 months for each cycle (degree, master's and doctorate). For example, in degree studies you can only go for one complete year. You could also be an Erasmus student one semester of a year and another semester the following year. But you cannot exceed 12 months in total. In the degrees of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmacy you are limited to 24 months. More information here.

  • Which countries can I go to on an Erasmus?

    To all the countries of the European Union. In addition, you can also go to: North Macedonia, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Serbia, and Turkey. You can consult the Erasmus universities offered in your degree by accessing the Student Service Portal. Switzerland does not participate in the Erasmus programme, but so far, the government of that country pays grants to Spanish students who go to Switzerland. The United Kingdom participates in the Erasmus programme until the 2020-21 academic year. In 2021-22 it is not known whether the UK will continue in the Erasmus programme. More information in:

  • How much is the Erasmus grant?

    The Erasmus grant depends on the country you are going to. There are 3 steps of grants: 300, 250 or 200 euros per month depending on the country you go to. The grants are collected in 2 payments: 70% of the total when you go abroad and 30% when you return to Valencia. They are deposited in your bank account. In addition, if you are a Spanish Ministry scholarship holder, you have an "extra" of 200 euros per month. There are also other grants that you can get, although only 10% of students get them and where priority is given to Ministry grant holders and the best files (Generalitat Valenciana or Santander Erasmus). There are also grants for participants with disabilities. You can consult this website with information on Erasmus grants. More information:

  • How are the qualifications obtained during my Erasmus stay recognised when I return to Valencia?

    The student must sign a study contract with the coordinator of his/her degree, indicating the subjects he/she wants to take at the host university and the equivalents that will be recognised at the Universitat de València. At the end of the stay, the host university will send the grades and your coordinator will make the recognition of credits taking into account this study contract. More information:​

  • What subjects do I have to put on the study contract?

    Each degree has an Erasmus mobility coordinator who helps students. The coordinator is a teacher who solves all the academic doubts of the Erasmus students. The coordinator draws up the Erasmus study contract and posts the grades when the student finishes his/her stay and returns to Valencia. In the link you can consult the list of coordinators. More information:

  • What is the Erasmus study contract?

    This is a document that you have to do before starting your Erasmus stay. Normally, it is done between May and July. At the Universitat de València you have to do it through the Student Services portal. The mobility coordinator will help you do it. Once you have validated it by the coordinator on the computer platform, you can print it out for your signature. You have to sign it, the coordinator in Valencia and the coordinator abroad. The scanned signatures are valid. You must submit it to the International Relations Service before July. More information:​

  • What are the Erasmus language requirements?

    Each foreign university in the Erasmus programme sets a level of language requirement. (B1, B2, C1 or C2). The level for each university can be consulted on the student services portal. The Universitat de València has approved a table of equivalence of language certificates. Language certificates must be submitted when applying for Erasmus in November. They cannot be submitted later. In addition, a test is organised in September for B2 and another test for B1 in December for students who do not have any certificate. More information:

  • I've been selected to go on Erasmus. What do I have to do now?

    Once the results of the selection are in and you know your destination, you will have to submit the documents requested by the host university (application form, transcript of records, copy of passport, etc.). You will receive an email from the host university with this information. You can also check their website. If you do not send them within the deadline, it may mean that you will not be accepted as an Erasmus student. More information:

  • Do I need health insurance to go on an Erasmus?

    You must arrange for some form of health care. Normally it will be the European Health Insurance Card. If you are not a member of the Social Security, consult your mutual insurance company (MUFACE, MUGEJU or other). If you do not have any health coverage, you will have to contract a private insurance. In some countries the European Health Insurance Card is not valid and you will have to contract private insurance. There are some companies that specialise in Erasmus insurance such as onCampus. We recommend that all students have a private insurance for their Erasmus stay. More information:

  • The list of Erasmus for the next year has been published. How do I accept the Erasmus scholarship?

    The first step you must take when you have been granted an Erasmus scholarship, is to accept your scholarship through Then, you have until 11 May to do so. You must access the procedure "Erasmus studies file 2020-21" and fill in the form "online". You do not have to upload any documents. At the end, you will get a letter of appointment from the Universitat and the language certificates if you passed any of the Erasmus B1 level language tests. You can download the letter and the certificates at any time, accessing your personal space on the web If you want to change your account number or any other data once you have done the acceptance form, you can send an email to If you are not sure if you want to go on an Erasmus, it is better to do the form within the deadline and then resign with an email to There will be no penalty. More information

  • When will I get my Erasmus grant?

    Once you have submitted the initial or final documents through ENTREU, we have to validate all the documentation from the International Relations Service. Then, we issue the payment order to make a deposit in your bank account. Payments are made in order of arrival at ENTREU. These procedures may take longer due to the number of students we manage. For the final payment, you should take into account that as long as you do not answer the EU Final Questionnaire, we will not be able to calculate the final amount of the grant and pay you. You will receive an e-mail with the link to do so. Remember that in order to calculate the final amount of the grant we take into account the days that are stated on the Certificate of Stay given to you by the foreign university and that you have uploaded to ENTREU. More information: