foto Valentin Enrique Bou Franch
PDI-Catedratic/a d'Universitat
Department: International Law 'Adolfo Miaja de la Muela'
Despacho 3B06 Departamento de Derecho Internacional Facultad de Derecho Avda. de los naranjos s/n 46022 VALENCIA
(9638) 28668
963828668 (T)


My name is Valentín Bou-Franch. I got the Degree in Law at the University of Valencia on July 4, 1984. In this same University, I defended my Undergraduate Thesis the 26th of September 1986, as well as  my Doctoral Thesis on the 21st of December 1990.

Currently, I am a Full Professor of Public International Law and International Relations at the University of Valencia (Spain). I am also the holder of a Jean Monnet Chair granted by the European Union in regime of competitive concurrence at the global level. The University of Valencia, through its Office of Policy for Excellence (OPEX) has honoured me, recognizing my Jean Monnet Chair as an institutional Chair of the University of Valencia, with the abbreviated name of Jean Monnet Chair "European values".

Both my academic training and my professional career are very much linked to the 'Adolfo Miaja de la Muela' Department of International Law at the Faculty of Law of this University.

The Spanish Ministry of Science and Education has recognized me five consecutive sections (six-year periods) of excellence in research (years: 1989-2018); six consecutive stretches (five-year periods) of excellence in teaching (years: 1987-2016); and ten consecutive three-year periods of seniority (years: 1987-2016).

My main lines of research include: the Legal Regime of Antarctica and the Southern Ocean, International Law of the Sea, International Environmental Law, Procedures for the Settlement of International Disputes, International Protection of Cultural Heritage, European Union Law, International Criminal Law and International Law of Human Rights.

My participation in competitive Research, Development and Innovation (R+D+I) Projects financed with public funds has consisted in participating as a Researcher in six R+D+I Projects funded by the European Union (two times as the Main Researcher); in nine R+D+I Projects at state level (four times as the Main Researcher); and in eight R+D+I Projects at regional level (five times as the Main Researcher). I have obtained two Grants for special R+D+I Actions and three Complementary Grants for R+D+I Projects. I have also participated in two Teaching Innovation Projects.

I am the author of an important number of publications which, along with other aspects relevant for my professional curriculum vitae, you can consult at my Web page:


16/09/2024 - 31/07/2025
LUNES de 11:00 a 12:30 3B06 DESPATX
16/09/2024 - 31/07/2025
MARTES de 11:00 a 12:30 3B06 DESPATX
Participate in the e-tutoring programme of the Universitat de València
Academic training
Journal Publications
Other Tasks
Other publications
Previous Tasks
Stays abroad in Research Centers
Organization of R+D activities
Activity interests
Participations in Conferences
Participation in Committees and Representations
Thesis, minor thesis and research reports