foto Maria Jose Vaño Vaño
PDI-Titular d'Universitat
Director/a d' Institut Universitari
Knowledge area: MERCANTILE LAW
Department: Mercantile Law 'Manuel Broseta Pont'
(9638) 28909

[ Automatic translation ]

Since joining the University on 1 January 1993 as a scholarship holder of the Ministry of Education, my scientific activity has been oriented primarily in five lines of research: i) structural Modifications, (ii) entities of the social Economy, iii) Contracts of financing and public-private partnerships, iv) Information Technology and communication and its application to the company law, (Cos), and v) Defence of competition.

I have been a part of numerous research projects I+D+I as a member or as principal researcher. I must mention 'E-Fraud and Communications Banking within the Union in the European union:Aspects of Procedural and Substantive', ANEP, 2011 -2014, 'social entrepreneurship to tackle the crisis of employment and social welfare. Subproject 1: Factors regulatory and public policies in the success of the social enterprise' between 2013 and 2015 (DER2012-39223-C02-01) and as a continuation of this, the second: 'Economy, Collaborative Economy and Social well-being' between 2016 and 2018 (DER2015-65519-C2-1-R), and 'the New challenges of the financial markets: the regulation of Shadow banking, capital-risk and FinTech, the protection of the customer and the exchange of information with relevance to tax', funded by the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (DER2017-84218-C2-1-R), all funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. The most recent project, is Project TED2021-129787B-I00, financed by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by the European Union "NextGenerationEU"/PRTR, called KEY SELF-CONSUMPTION COMMUNITIES IN THE ENERGY TRANSITION (POWERCOOP).
Of the mentioned research projects, I have obtained numerous results that I can include in each of the lines developed for the my since my incorporation to the university.
Do I have to specially mention the study of the entities of the social economy and the participation in projects of collaboration with the public private. A broad knowledge of the subject has allowed me to find the meeting points that I have been carrying out in numerous articles, book chapters and participation in days of specialisation.
Another of the lines is essential relative to information technology and communication and security in electronic transactions. In the first of the cases, I discuss the position of the partners and of third parties against the company, and the exercise of their political rights through, mainly, the corporate website, or other tools offered by the companies. A second line inside of the technologies of information and communication is the security of electronic transactions, the implementation of information technologies in the formalisation of contracts, and even the development of contracts autoejecutables, or Smart contracts, the porto student for more than fifteen years, and which now comes to be named blockchain, or strings of data.
Finally, in the field of the social economy entities, and in particular of social enterprises and the welfare state, I obtained numerous results, including conferences and studies on the subject of social clauses or choice of legal form for the development of a social activity, which have come to be analysed from the perspective not only corporate, but also from the perspective of the Law of Defence of Competition.
Currently I am in the Doctoral Program in Social Economy of the IUDESCOOP in the Master's degree in Business Law and Social Economy (2009 until today) of which I am a co-director in addition to having given lectures in several Masters are not officers of the UVEG.Finally, I must mention that I am the Director of the IUDESCOOP, Assessment anonymous of the scientific Journals of CIRIEC-España, and since 2009 I am evaluating in the ANEP and as far as the transfer of results, I have to mention that I have been a referee in the consumer arbitration Board of the Valencian Community for more than ten years, and member of the Committee for the Defence of Competition of the Valencian Community for 5 years.

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01/09/2024 - 31/07/2025
LUNES de 12:00 a 13:00 null
01/09/2024 - 31/07/2025
MARTES de 12:00 a 13:00 5B11 DESPATX
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