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Programme code: 3159

Regulations: RD 99/2011

Knowledge branch: Engineering and architecture

Doctoral website:

Organised by:Department of Computer Science

Management Centre:Postgraduate School

Participating Universities:Universitat de València Estudi General

Programme Coordinator:Dr Sandra Roger Varea

Places available for new students:15 places

Aims: The doctoral programme aims to promote research skills, innovation, and technological transfer in the field of Information Technologies and Communications. The objectives are: to provide a comprehensive training in the research lines considered, both in the essential aspect, focused on finding new theoretical results of great relevance, and in the applied one, focused on technological transfer; to train researchers to solve complex problems related to new technologies and to the management of several kinds of information and different levels of abstraction; to facilitate the integration of graduated students as scientific or technological staff within the transnational working and research groups in science and technology parks, innovation technology companies, universities or research institutes.

Description: This Doctoral Studies Programme aims to promote the research skills, the innovation and technological transfer in the field of Information Technologies and Communications. In this sense, the University of Valencia has several initiatives that will promote, together with the current programme, the productivity and the visibility and the national and international impact: firstly the bet fo the implementation of the new degrees and master’s degrees adapted to the european space of higher education, and the institutional participation in the Avanza plan with an important quantity of funds used for infrastructures, from which this programme will benefic directly. The Information Technologies and Communications (ICT) are not only an important sector of the economic activity, but they are also an essential driving force in all fields associated to knowledge in the european society. The ICTs are clearly identified with the concept of innovation. From the point of view of the technological transfer, this Doctoral Studies Programme also trains students in applied research, wich will be very useful for the professionals who want to work in science and technology parks.

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