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Art and Fight at the Valencian High Schools



IES Lluís Vives de València
IES Benlliure de València
IES Juan de Garay de València
IES Clot del Moro de Sagunt
IES de l'Estació d'Ontinyent
IES Laurona de Llíria
IES Tirant lo Blanch de Torrent
IES Número 1 de Requena
IES Josep de Ribera de Xàtiva
IES Ausiàs March de Manises
IES Sanchis Guarner de Silla
IES María Enríquez de Gandia


Escultura presentada per l’IES l’Estació d’Ontinyent
Second Round Exhibition: Art and Fight at the Valencian High Schools aims to become a model of an undertreated subject until now: artistic activity at the Valencian secondary schools. What has been done and what is being done at this moment. By preparing a historic speech we build our past. With a memory exercise we can face the current problems. But specially we want to stimulate thinking about all things we want for the future of the artistic education. This is why we count on groups that will make this future possible: teachers, students, academic responsible and experts of the knowledge areas involved.
High schools at the city of Valencia and at other cities have generated a huge artistic activity, actions that we can detect within the areas of artistic activities in the classrooms, specially addressed to the students’ work, as well as in the centres’ artistic actions, on the basis of the activities generated by the Drawing departments and the centres’ directions.  The teachers’ role in the gestation and achievement of artistic projects with a repercussion on their centres and on other local and regional areas.
The public ignorance of this reality, as well as the need of research at the university level about the results of these actions, encourages us to present the Second Round Project. Art and Fight at the Valencian High Schools. The project also aims to be a homage to the work of high school teachers and students, since their task is remarkable and it is convenient to make known with this type of initiatives. Also to motivate them for the future of art. We think that the university is the appropriate space to prove this recognition of the work done by the secondary education teachers.
Second Round Art and Fight at the Valencian High Schools is a research project and an educational innovation project of the Universitat de València. The project, fomented by the Institut de Creativitat i Innovacions Educatives, has the support of three offices of vice-deans of the University , of the Master’s Degree in Secondary Education Training, of students, teaching staff and directive boards of twelve high schools, of the Associació Valenciana de Professorat de Dibuix and the Associació Valenciana d’Educadors de Museus i Patrimonis.
Drawings of the “Grupo Op” (IES Sanchis Guarner of Manises)