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KOMOS group

 Antígona, Roman theatre of Sagunto, 2018
Antígona, Roman theatre of Sagunto, 2018


During the 2017-2018 academic year, the Komos Group, a young Valencian theatre company, is celebrating its fifteenth anniversary.
Since he staged his first show, more than 500 students from the Vicenta Ferrer Escrivá and Districte Marítim de València high schools have been growing and educating themselves through theatre while staging such important Greek-Latin plays as Medea, Troyanas, Oedipus Rey and Antigone, among many others. In addition, the company has improved and enriched itself artistically with the training of some of its actors at the Higher School of Dramatic Art in Valencia, as well as at other higher schools of performing arts, fine arts, dance and music, and with the constant collaboration of former university students. Today it has about 110 active members for its different productions. On the other hand, since its creation the activity has been totally free for all its components, which has allowed anyone, regardless of their economic situation, to collaborate in their theatrical projects, thus achieving a solidarity work of integration and equality.
EDIPO REY, Matilde Salvador Hall, 2012
The company has been awarded different prizes and recognitions at a national level, including the first national prize in the two categories of the Buero Youth Theatre Awards and the first prize in the National Greco-Latin Theatre Competition of the Ministry of Education in its two categories.
On the other hand, in addition to the classical Greco-Latin theatre, during these years he has also staged contemporary plays such as After the Earth, Bed Assault, Novecento and Mariana Pineda.
HIPOLITE by Eurípides, Compitalia, 2007
The Komos Group has performed in theatres all over Spain, among which we can highlight:
Roman Theatre of Sagunto
Roman Theater of Merida
Valle-Inclán Theatre in Madrid
Main Theatre of Valencia
Olympia Theatre of Valencia
Main Theatre of Zaragoza
Santander Festivals Palace
Colón Theatre in A Coruña
Romea Theatre of Murcia
Circus Theatre of Murcia
Theatre of the Corners of Zaragoza
Campos Elíseos Theatre of Bilbao
Palau de la Música of Valencia
Camp de Mart Theatre in Tarragona
The purpose of this exhibition is to show the public, in a different and dynamic way, the history of the company through photographs, videos, posters, costumes and all those elements that convey the spirit and work that characterize the Komos Group. In addition, the aim is to familiarize the visitor with classical theatre and its culture through the material exhibited, as well as the group's evolution towards contemporary theatre.
The exhibition is composed of works of different nature, following the group's timeline and emphasizing the most decisive and important moments of the group.