Search result200 results
Functional and evolutionary correlations of steep leaf angles in the mexical shrubland
Valiente-Banuet, A.; Verdú, M.; Valladares, F.; García-Fayos, P.
(2010). ArticleOecologia. No.163
Pp.: 25 - 33.
New microsatellite loci in the dwarf yams Dioscorea gr. Egipetrum (Dioscoreaceae)
Viruel, J.; Segarra-Moragues, J. G.; Catalán, P.
(2010). ArticleAmerican Journal of Botany. No.97
Pp.: e121 - e123.
Systematic revision of the Epipetrum group of Dioscorea (Dioscoreaceae) endemic to Chile
Viruel, J.; Segarra-Moragues, J. G.; Pérez-Collazos, E.; Villar, L.; Catalán, P.
(2010). ArticleSystematic Botany. No.35
Pp.: 40 - 43.
Soil shapes community structure through fire
Ojeda, F.; Pausas, J. G.; Verdú, M.
(2010). ArticleOecologia. No.163
Pp.: 729 - 735.
Fire recurrence and the dynamics of Enhanced Vegetation Index in a Mediterranean Ecosystem
Abdul Malak, D.; Pausas, J. G.; Pardo Pascual, J.; Ruiz Fernández, L.
(2010). ArticleInternational Journal of Applied Geospatial Research.
En premsa
Cork Oak Woodlands on the Edge: Ecology, Adaptive Management, and Restoration
Aronson, J.; Pereira, J. S.; Pausas, J. G. (Editores)
(2009). LlibreIsland Press.
315 pp.
Parameter estimation in geographical ecology: an empirical evaluation of spatial an non-spatiak regression
Bini, L. M.; Diniz-Filho, J. L. F.; Rangel, T. F. L. V. B.; Akre, T. S. B.; Albaladejo, R. G.; Alburqurque, F. S.; Aparicio, A.; Araújo, M. B.; Baselga, A.; Beck, K.; Bellocq, M. I.; Böhning-Gaese, K.; Borges PAV, Castro-Parga, I.; Chey, V. K.; Chown, S. L.; de Marco, Jr. P.; Dobkin, D. S.; Ferrer-Castán, D.; Field, R.; Filloy, J.; Fleishman, E.; Gómez, J. F.; Hortal, J.; Iverson, J. B.; Kerr, J. T.; Kissling, W. D.; Kitching, I. J.; León-Cortés, J. L.; Lobo, J. M.; Montoya, D.; Morales-Castilla, I.; Moreno, J. C.; Oberdorff, T.; Olalla-Tárraga, M. A.; Pausas, J. G.; Qian, H.; Rahbek, C.; Rodríguez, M. A.; Rueda, M.; Ruggiero, A.; Sackmann, P.; Sanders, N. J.; Terribile, L. C.; Vetaas, O. R.; Hawkins, B. A.
(2009). ArticleEcography. No.32
Pp.: 193 - 204.
Topographic thresholds for plant colonisation on semiarid eroded slopes
Brochet, E.; García-Fayos, P.; Poesen, J.
(2009). ArticleEarth Surface Processes and Landforms. No.34
Regeneration traits are structuring phylogenetic diversity in cork oak (Quercus suber) woodlands
Coca, M.; Pausas, J. G.
(2009). ArticleJournal of Vegetation Science. No.20
Pp.: 1009 - 1015.
Indication of antagonistic interaction between climate change and erosion on plant species richness and soil properties in semi-arid Mediterranean ecosystems
García-Fayos, P.; Bochet, E.
(2009). ArticleGlobal Change Biology. No.15
Pp.: 306 - 318.