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  The doctoral programme in Advanced Hispanic Studies includes training activities which are not organised in credits and are of two types, transversal (and, therefore, common to all the doctoral programmes of the University of Valencia) and specific to the same programme. These activities are focused on the achievement of the competences of the degree.

  All the training activities will be registered, verified and assessed in the Document of activities.

  The transversal training activities will be carried out by the doctoral students in full time throughout the two first years. On the other hand, part-time activities may be carried out along the first four years. Students, with the approval of their tutor or director, can distribute the number of hours (60 hours) of the transversal activities throughout the aforesaid period, but full-time students will not be able to carry out less than 20 hours per year of transversal activities; and the part-time students will not be able to carry out less than 10 hours within a year of transversal activities. The total of hours of transversal activities carried out by the doctoral student will be of 60 hours. The offer of transversal activities of the University of Valencia will be annually published in the Doctorate webpage of the University of Valencia

  The planning of the specific training activities of the Doctoral Programme in Advanced Hispanic Studies, has been made in accordance with the total (three academic years) or partial dedication (five academic years) of the doctoral students, the objectives and learning results of each of the specific training activities of our programme have been kept in mind. And a calendar has been established in order to balance the training activities, their content, length and dedication of the doctoral students, in order to avoid a work overload. For this reason, some activities have been programmed in an academic year for full-time doctoral students, and in the following year for those of partial dedication. The total of hours that the doctoral student should complete in specific training activities of the Doctoral Programme is 190. The offer, content, detail and learning results and control procedures of all the specific training activities of our doctoral programme can be checked in the Doctorate webpage of the University of Valencia.

  Therefore, doctoral students should carry out throughout their continuity in the doctoral programme 60 transversal activities hours, plus 190 of specific training activities, a total of 250 hours.