- 9759: Students should apply acquired knowledge to solve problems in unfamiliar contexts within their field of study, including multidisciplinary scenarios.
- 9760: Students should be able to integrate knowledge and address the complexity of making informed judgments based on incomplete or limited information, including reflections on the social and ethical responsibilities associated with the application of their knowledge and judgments.
- 9761: Students should communicate conclusions and underlying knowledge clearly and unambiguously to both specialized and non-specialized audiences.
- 9762: Students should demonstrate self-directed learning skills for continued academic growth.
- 10015: Students should possess and understand foundational knowledge that enables original thinking and research in the field.
- 14496: To be able to integrate knowledge and make complex judgments based on information that remains incomplete or limited, but include social and ethical responsibility reflections linked to the application of their knowledge and judgments, from a gender perspective.
- 14927: Ser capaces de emplear los recursos institucionales, los grandes instrumentos científicos, las técnicas, las bases de datos y bibliotecas, la bibliografía, las revistas especializadas y los nuevos recursos proporcionados por las TIC en el ámbito de estudio.
- 14928: Ser capaces de elaborar un proyecto en el ámbito de estudio del máster y presentar sus resultados, mediante un discurso elaborado y coherente.
- 19169: Ser capaces de desempeñar un trabajo en equipo, fomentando las relaciones interpersonales, el diálogo, el respeto al otro y la no discriminación, ni lingüística ni social.
- 19170: Ser capaces de aplicar en entornos profesionales los conocimientos y destrezas adquiridos, y de analizar el conjunto de variables que intervienen en el cruce entre teoría y práctica, captando conflictos y negociando soluciones, en el marco del diálogo y de la defensa de derechos y obligaciones, con criterios deontológicos y laborales.
- 19165: Be able to discuss the ideas of different theories in the field of Hispanic philology and to analyse their contributions critically in order to contextualise their achievements and contrast these with the knowledge acquired
- 19166: Be able to read all types of Hispanic philological texts in a critical, analytical and competent manner, based on a pertinent method of analysis through which it is possible to draw all their implications, both in form and content
- 18873: Be able to conduct teaching and research activities in Hispanic philology subject areas
- 18425: Be able to critically analyse and explain texts, choosing the specific philological methodology according to the potential audience to which they are addressed
- 19167: Be able to edit texts and to build and catalogue corpora related to Hispanic philological studies
- 18426: Be able to recognise the methods of analysis and the research techniques that are specific to Hispanic philology, as well as their integration into the historical tradition and their academic institutionalisation; also, become familiar with the different programmes, projects, research lines and teams operating in this master's degree, with a view to undertaking a specific research project within this framework.
- 17978: Be able to acquire and transmit knowledge of the periods, movements, currents of thought, topics and issues that are specific to the field of Hispanic philology.
- 17979: Be able to acquire and transmit advanced knowledge of the great currents of Hispanic philological studies, from representative texts, taking into account the gender perspective.
- 18874: Be able to acquire and apply knowledge of the techniques and procedures of academic writing.
- 18875: Be able to read texts critically by analysing and explaining them in relation to the keys of the cultural debate of the historical period to which they belong.
- 18876: Be able to acquire and know how to apply knowledge of the different publishing processes and media, as well as knowledge of the applications used by (printed and digital) publishing systems.
- 9759: Students should apply acquired knowledge to solve problems in unfamiliar contexts within their field of study, including multidisciplinary scenarios.
- 14927: Ser capaces de emplear los recursos institucionales, los grandes instrumentos científicos, las técnicas, las bases de datos y bibliotecas, la bibliografía, las revistas especializadas y los nuevos recursos proporcionados por las TIC en el ámbito de estudio.
- 18873: Be able to conduct teaching and research activities in Hispanic philology subject areas
- 18875: Be able to read texts critically by analysing and explaining them in relation to the keys of the cultural debate of the historical period to which they belong.