3177 Chemistry
- 01 Miniaturisation and Total Methods of Analysis
- 02 Fundamental Aspects in Chromatography
- 03 Solutions and Innovation in Analytical Chemistry
- 04 Liquid Chromatography and Electrophoresis
- 05 Theoretical and Computational Chemistry. Polymers. Fuel Cells.
- Fuel Cells.
- 06 Coordination Compounds with Biological Activity.
- Switchable Molecular Materials
- 07 Materials Science
- 08 Asymmetric Catalysis with Metal Complexes and Organo-Catalysis
- 09 Organic Crystal Engineering and Homogeneous Metal Catalysis.
- Regio- and Stereoselective Transformations, Methods and Mechanisms.
- Mechanisms
- 10 Organofluorinated Chemical Compounds
- 11 Organic Chemistry of Metal Complexes
- 12 Theoretical Organic Chemistry and Organometallic Chemistry