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Tesis en exposición pública

  • 18262Search for neutral long-lived particles produced at the LHC decaying in the ATLAS calorimeters in association with a Z boson from proton-proton collisions using Run 2 data and MATHUSLA experiment

Tesis pendientes de lectura

  • 18197Probing the early Universe with Lyman-alpha emitting galaxies
  • 18227Unveiling the Higgs sector with tau-leptons: differential cross-section measurements and searches for lepton-flavor-violating decays with the ALTAS detector

Tesis leídas

  • 18242Massive corrections in scattering amplitudes at higher orders for LHC phenomenology
  • 18219Auditorías postales de dosimetría para radioterapia externa
  • 18181Exploring Scalar Gauge theories on the Lattice
  • 18190MOCVD Growth of rocksalt CdZnO: Reactor Characterization and Integration on Functional Substrates for Applications in mid-IR Plasmonics
  • 18169Accelerating configuration generation in lattice field theories and applications
  • 18134Quark mass dependence of hadron resonances
  • 18124Novel radio frequency accelerating cavity developments for compact linear accelerators in hadrontherapy treatment
  • 18102Electron efficiency measurements and search for Higgs boson production in association with top quarks with the ATLAS experiment
  • 17973Searching for neutral long-lived particles with hadronic decays in the ATLAS experiment and identification of non-collision backgrounds
  • 18049Beta Spectrum Shapes Study for the Prediction of Reactors´ Antineutrino Spectra
  • 18077Enhancing Compton camera performance for in-vivo hadrontherapy monitoring with advanced readout electronics
  • 18047Hadron interactions and cosmic strings from lattice simulations
  • 18042Probing neutrino physics with supernovae and rare decay searches
  • 18045Turbulence modelling and gravitational-wave data analysis for binary neutron star mergers
  • 18038Family symmetry, neutrino masses, and dark matter stability
  • 18016Performance improvement in a Compton telescope for hadron therapy treatment monitoring
  • 17947Unravelling the complexity of cosmic flows: strong gradients, shock waves and turbulence
  • 18030Exploring UV completions of the Standard Model with Effective Field Theories
  • 18009New Physics in Neutrino Experiments
  • 17981Gravitationally lensed quasars: from stars to galaxy clusters

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