In the research group of the University of Girona and the University of Barcelona within the framework of the NUBOLOSYTI project.
The four-year contract is funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (State Research Agency), and allows the development of a doctoral thesis linked to the project.
About the group.
The person hired will join the research team, made up of staff from the University of Girona and the University of Barcelona, which has been researching for more than 15 years in the field of clouds, aerosols and radiation in the atmosphere (https://sites.google.com/campus.udg.edu/nuclierprojects).
About the project:
NUBOLOSYTI: The cloud-aerosol transition zone: Integrating observations and analysis methods’.
About 10% of the time there is a suspension of particles in the air that is difficult to classify as cloud or aerosol that we refer to as the transition zone in which the optical properties are neither cloud nor aerosol. This region can extend in skies with scattered clouds up to tens of kilometers away. It is estimated that between 30 and 60% of the part of the globe that is considered cloud-free at any given time could correspond to this transition zone. It is therefore necessary to consider the transition zone between cloud and aerosol for a more complete description of particle suspensions in the atmosphere and for the determination of the corresponding radiative effects. The aim of the project is to improve the characterization of the transition zone by using surface and satellite observations and radiative transfer models.
Interested parties: please contact Dr. Josep Calbó (josep.calbo@udg.edu) or Dr. Yolanda Sola (ysola@meteo.ub.edu), as soon as possible.